Hearing that they were not in the woods of her childhood, she immediately relaxed a little. Zeke did not, at least until Ein spoke to her guardian in hushed tones. Perhaps the great beast heard her words, but it did not matter, simply a word of dismissal. She allowed herself to come closer to the girl, though still keeping a cautious distance between them, as the girl said her name. She looked the other girl over, she appeared to be near the same age as Ein, but yet her name did not ring a bell in the least. Elves, being so long lived, that they pretty much all meet each other eventually, and judging by her manners, she probably was raised near court, yet Ein did not know that name. "Oh, me? Well, most people call me Ein, this here is Zeke," She said gesturing to her obsidian companion. "You said you were of Solaire, who might your parents be, if you don't mind my asking?" There were obvious nerves and anxiousness emanating from the small elvish girl's frame. The beast could sense it, beasts always can, but if Sabriye could see then she could have seen how pale she had gotten through the soot on her face and hands, she probably could still hear or otherwise sense the quickened heart beat that rattled through her bones and through her skin, down through her boots and into the very earth that Ein had only moments ago escaped.