I wish there were more hateships in...everything. Now, call them what you want. Rivalries, love to hate, some even call them kismesis because it sums up fan intention. I just call them hateships for simplicity sake, because you'll be surprised how most of those names lose pretty much all meaning in communication. I'm not saying I want to see villains play naked leap frog. I mean I want to see more confused, almost relationship level nemesis going on. The best one I ever saw of this was Batman and Joker and I always thought the nature of it always played out better when that was amped instead of amped down to a simple criminal with ideas and hero with ideas(although that didn't stop it from entertaining) Alot of people think I'm weird but I think hate and anger are very important and precious emotion. I see hate as a MASSIVE investment of yourself, like love. If you are ignored in love...you feel dejected, unworthy. If you are ignored in hate...you feel frustrated, like despite all your investment you can't just budge anything (cue despite all my rage I'm still just a rat in a cage) the two mirror each other. the difference is that people tolerate unhealthy love for shallow reasons because it makes them feel good. Oh, you love X, I love X too. Let's chant and make a circle jerking group on the internet so we can constantly feel good and reinforced. In fact people try to avoid discomfort to FERVENTLY that they will destroy understanding, disciplining and giving boundaries to the hate. They don't seek a grind stone, they don't seek to give it a deeper meaning. They leave it to be this festering, unchecked primal thing...and that makes unhealthy people who don't know how disengage from their anger. hate will rule them. At first it might scare them, it might even wear them out because there is so much to hate for shallow reasons. But hate will rule them because it feels GOOD and no one will admit this. Especially them. Having an enemy...any enemy. Even if it made up feels fucking fantastic. We all want the enemy. Its theatrics, it makes us have meaning. It gives our neglected darker emotions purpose. All of us, the bad parts included. Are accepted. fucking. I'm tired dog and I'm ranting. Point, I want to see more hate based relations that are somewhat productive or healthy.