[@Rune_Alchemist] It's alright!! I just want a couple more people to join, though I feel we have plenty and we don't necessarily need anyone to start. I'll continue to accept applications even after we start. BUT, tomorrow I'm hoping to get the first IC post up. There are a couple people who need to finish their CS, I think... I'M RAMBLING, ANYWAYS... Yes, tomorrow I plan to have the first IC post. It's gonna set the tone and atmosphere and whatnot so I want to make it a good, detailed post. And then people can begin Rping. I'd like it if everyone could get a chance to put out their first IC post, and then after that everyone can begin rping normally. [@Ririia] I just was checking my list of characters in the OP and the characters in the tab and I was freaking out because one was missing and I was extremely confused and I realized it was you. orz Whenever you get it in is fine! I was just freaking out lol