[center][b] Name:[/b] It doesn't really matter since they can't verbally refer to themself. Gembone, Gemmy, Dino, they'll answer to anything they don't find insulting. [b]Gem: [/b]Gembone (Mineralized Dinosaur Bone) [hider=Appearance: ] [img]http://i.imgur.com/CBu6X3S.png[/img] [/hider] [b]Gem Placement:[/b]The gem located on the belly, a little higher up than where a human's navel would be. [b]Gem Item: [/b]Tebute (Kiribati Shark Tooth Weapon) [img]https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--riZKkczy--/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/18k34cme3y0rnjpg.jpg[/img] [b]Power:[/b] Enhanced Senses - Gembone's senses are heightened compared to that of most gems, making them a great tracker. Whether it be by smell, taste, sound, or sight, they'll find you somehow. Their enhanced senses also makes them more in tune with their reflexes and surroundings, so outsmarting or sneak attacks might not be the best approach. They cannot, however, control how strongly they sense things, which means until they're much more older and experienced, they will suffer from sensory overload. This also extends beyond the five main senses - their sense of balance is enhanced, their sense of direction is enhanced, and their sense of pain is also...well, that's another obvious downside to it. [b]Other:[/b] Emotional Strength - Protection. The need to protect themself, a friend, or anyone really, is by far the greatest link for them to fuse and summon their weapon. Emotional Weakness - Dejection. Low spirits and feeling a failure not only overrides their desire to protect (either feeling that they are incapable of doing so or that they're not worth protecting), but also causes them to un-fuse. Gembone doesn't seem to be capable of speech, or much sound at all.[/center]