[hider=Charoite] [center][colour=DarkViolet][h2]Charoite[/h2][/colour] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-eqlNenIwyFg/VlCWXL1sjJI/AAAAAAAAB-o/u_RCHbCXdkM/w426-h260/15%2B-%2B1[/img] [b]Name:[/b] [colour=DarkViolet]Charoite[/colour] [b]Nickname:[/b] [colour=DarkViolet]"Chara"[/colour] [b]Appearance:[/b] Chariote's human form stands at around 5'2", with [colour=Violet]light purple[/colour] hair and [colour=DarkViolet]dark purple[/colour]. Her body looks rather lolital, and is slightly [i]"underdeveloped"[/i] in that department. [b]Gem:[/b] [img]http://www.samsilverhawk.com/2012gemstones/923cabs/charoite2.jpg[/img] [b]Gem Placement:[/b] The middle of her left wrist [b]Gem Item:[/b] Charoite's item [colour=DarkViolet](Teluria)[/colour] comes in the form of a long, well forged, straight sword with a fairly basic, unremarkable design. However, it's defining feature comes across the blade - the strings that line one edge of it. These strings act like that of a guitar, or a lute, each connected on the hilt by one of the protrusions found on a guitar. [b]Power:[/b] [colour=DarkViolet]Symphopathikinesis[/colour] - This ability is a sort hybrid mix of music/sound manipulation and emotion manipulation. By manipulating the music Teluria makes, she can manipulate a persons emotions - making them feel happy, empowered, sad, depressed, or even cause severe emotional pain. Think a Bard, but with a much more malicious side. [b]Other: Um... Hail Queen Akaya..?[/b][/center][/hider]