“Sir, I would suggest you brace yourself, as it appears the Milano is on a collision course with a much larger Imperial-class warship.” E-V’s voice suddenly suddenly chimed into Gavon’s earpiece, catching him slightly off guard while his focus had been elsewhere. [i]Enforcer One[/i] was still in tow, albeit cloaked the Agent assumed, so the likelihood of his ship being detected or targeted was less than probable. A moment later, the ship rocked violently, and the Agent had to grab hold of a small bar along a nearby bulkhead to keep himself steadied. He gazed over at his new armored friend still sitting atop the precious cargo he swore to protect, and couldn’t help but grin at the soldier’s lack of concern and movement. A “red alert” status flashed along the wall and down the long stretch of corridor outside the cargo area, followed by intermittent siren pulses. The ship itself felt as though it were doing everything it could to evade the situation, yet he wondered who or what was after the Milano, and why they would want to destroy it and it’s crew. “Sir, the Milano is powering up for a hypersp-” E-V’s calm & level droid modulator cut off to a crackle of static in Gavon’s ear as a sudden shift in air pressure, pitch, and direction acknowledge what she was trying to tell him. The Milano had made a last minute jump to lightspeed, most likely as the only course of action to remove the threat of being blown apart in space by the unknown assailant, and yet where it was headed, Gavon had no idea. The jump, however, shouldn’t have come as a complete surprise considering the original crew were made up of smugglers and outlaws who were potentially aware of more lesser known hyperspace routes that could guarantee a quick escape. Either way, he’d hoped that his ship was still in pursuit and the tracking modules attached to the outer hull were doing their job. He quickly keyed in a message to the communicator aboard his ship, in hopes that E-V could relay and respond, and within a few seconds she did indeed send a message of acknowledgement and that Enforcer One was able to clone the the jump coordinates based on the data from the tracking modules. [i]Kudos to out-dated Imperial technology…[/i] The Agent mused, as he felt the ship leveling out a bit and turned his attention toward So’lid. “Well, as much as I adore your company, I think it’s time to find out what’s going on. So you can stay down here and wait for something to happen or we can both be a bit more proactive in this unusual situation...” [@POOHEAD189]