[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMkL_r0bav0]Theme Of Arrival[/url] [b]Ding Ding[/b] The sound of the train stop alert rang through out the carriage. #11[b]Dill Daniels[/b] who had fallen asleep on the short ride, snapped awake seemingly annoyed by the following announcement. [i][b]Will the drivers please leave the carriage and take all belongings and litter with you, your cars are at the starting line of the race track, thank you for travelling with RISK RALLY transport.[/b][/i] Although some were still in conversation, they all got up and left the carriage in a fairly orderly manner except #31 [b]Jake Spencer[/b] who had just gotten through a quarter flask of whiskey, was feeling somewhat surly and antagonistic, and bumped his way past #82[b]The Mask[/b] and stared right at him as he did it. [i]There's a very big bounty on your head, gramps, If you end up being brutally killed in this promo race, best believe I'm taking credit for it.[/i] The shuffle of the racers stepped out of the train station which was only 3 feet away from the starting track in the beautiful cosmopolitan San Francisco race track on a sunny day. All 10 cars were lined up side by side with priority positioning given to the lowest numbers to the highest. The floating holo cameras were everywhere and citizens from all around the block had gathered around and were leaning over the security fences to get a better look at the cars. [b]Rayla Keroza[/b] was still standing next to [b]Riku[/b] as they got off the train and she gave him an encouraging smirk. [i]Looks like we are here kid, you make sure that retro muscle motor of yours takes it easy on me okay? I want to live long enough to check out some of your local bands from back home.[/i] [b] Moira McCarthy [/b]had been talking to [b]Alexandria Sturlson[/b] all about her Pip Viper on the way over and was now overjoyed to be able to tell her about it. She jumped up and down as she was near her beloved vehicle. [i]Ms Rockabilly! isnt she beautiful? all fitted with a custom V-12 engine and an amazing dystopian style paintjob! isnt this fitting? I cant wait for this awesome race to the death! I'm gonna be racing against so many celebrities! see you on the race track Ms Sturlson, maybe we could....go for a drink after if we both live through this?[/i] Moira blew Alexandria a kiss and hopped into her Pip viper all ready to start. The Holo screen in front of them detailed the course they would be driving on. [b][i]One Lap Around The San Fransico Promo Block. No weapons for this race.[/i][/b] [u][b]'The Scenic Route'[/b] [/u] [hider=Flavour Image] [img]http://www.greatnewlaunches.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/01.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Circuit Image] [img]http://www.hoslotcarracing.com/layout/Circuit-4.gif[/img] [/hider] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsPjwC9DlUE]Theme Song[/url] [b]Difficulty Grade:[/b] E [b]Description:[/b] A nice simple track that's beautiful sunny scenery make it the top spot for advertisers to make their revenue from the billions of watchers around the world. The roads are high quality tarmac and the track is very simple to navigate. Malachy Connors has driven a few customers around this route in his cab, as its a hot attraction for tourists who travel to California to see the races. The Race was about to begin.