[h1]Colton 'Colt' Rumby, AKA [color=darkblue][i]Blademaster[/i][/color][/h1] [b]22 year old Male[/b] Colt stands 5'6 and weighs 145 lbs. He's fairly light and nimble, and not very strong or imposing. He has fair skin, dark blue eyes, and dark brown hair which he likes to keep cut short. [color=lightblue]Offensive Power is Sonic Wave[/color] [color=lightcoral]Defensive Power is Phase[/color] [color=yellow]Enhanced Power is Heightened Senses[/color] [b]Additional Info[/b]: Colton can emit tiny pulses from the palms of his hands, which are utterly useless. He can wear special-made gloves, however, that amplify their effect. Depending on the strength of the pulses, he can stun opponents, shatter weak barriers (wood, glass, thin walls), and create close-range sonic waves. The pulses can also sabotage/exploit mechanical devices, like a locked door. He can use these pulses defensively by creating a sustained 'pulse bubble', which simply distorts the air around him and makes it hard for opponents to place his location; this ability makes him appear as if he is 'phasing'. Subject to these pulses has increased his senses, and his enhanced perception allows him to sense where an opponent may land his next strike. [b]Home Made Costume[/b]: [img]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj222/ande012/blademaster.jpg[/img] [b]League Costume[/b]: [b]Vibro-Blade[/b]: The Vibro-Blade was created by 'the Suits' (see Bio) as a weapon suitable for Colt's powers. Conventional weapons seemed to shatter or break when Blademaster wielded them in combination with his pulse powers. The Vibro-Blade was made in such a way that it can not only withstand the pulses, but it can channel the vibrations and deliver the effect on items or individuals it comes into contact with Firearms were tested using the same setup, but Colt's pulse powers made the guns highly inaccurate. [b]Vibro-Gloves[/b]: The Vibro-Gloves, like the blade, were also created by the Suits, and allows Colt to amplify the effects of his pulse powers. Dials on the back of these gloves can be turned to determine the strength of his pulses. [b]Bio[/b]: Colton was one of several individuals abducted by a shady group of people he calls 'the Suits'. He and his fellow prisoners were subject to grueling experiments, which ultimately 'unlocked' hidden powers within them. The Suits then devoted time to helping Colt hone his abilities, creating special equipment for him like the Vibro-Blade and the Vibro-Gloves. Ultimately, with the help of a friend, Colt managed to flee from the facility. Colt and his lady-friend were separated while fleeing from their pursuers and he has not been able to find her since. Whoever she is, and wherever she may be, Colt warns that she may be mentally unstable, unpredictable, and extremely dangerous - side-effects of her torture while in the Suits' captivity. According to Colt, she never unlocked 'hidden powers' like the other prisoners. On the run from the Suits, and needing help to find his friend, Colt has joined the HQ in San Francisco. He hopes to make new friends and allies who can help him on his own personal quest: first, to find his friend, and second to destroy the Suits.