[center] [color=0054a6][b]Name:[/b][/color] Sierra Hamilton [color=0054a6][b]Birth Date:[/b][/color] Fall 30 [color=0054a6][b]Age:[/b][/color] 22 [color=0054a6][b]Occupation:[/b][/color] Miner [color=0054a6][b]Background:[/b][/color] Sierra was born in a town on the mainland. Sierra's father used to be the foreman of the town's mine. A series of unfortunate cave-ins and accidents as well as a sudden inability to locate rich ore deposits led to the mine being deemed exhausted and subsequently shut down. When Sierra was 10, the Hamilton's moved to the city where Sierra's father became a factory worker, while her mother became a teacher, though previously she had been a homemaker. In her hometown, Sierra had been able to spend plenty of time with both parents, but in the city, they needed to both have jobs to support the high cost of living. Sierra felt neglected and kept to herself, blaming the mine's closure for her misfortune and the exhaustion she saw in both her parents' attempts at trying to earn a living wage. Upon graduating high school, Sierra took hard labor jobs to help contribute to the family, knowing they didn't have enough to send her to college. One day, her parents surprised her with some money that they had been saving up. They remembered how much happier she was in the town she was born, and they had saved this money so that she could start a new life and make her way in the world back. They convinced her that they made enough to take care of themselves, and that Sierra deserved a chance at freedom from the city and to see the world. She first went back to her hometown and saw that it had been more-or-less abandoned. Asking around, it turned out that it had fallen on hard times, and when large corporations moved in to develop it, the citizens said, 'no' because they wanted to keep it natural. The corporations left the town to its own devices, but it eventually started losing business and population started dwindling. Sierra then turned towards Bellview Island, hoping that she could strike it rich in the mountain, save her parents from the city, and let them retire in peace, comfort and dignity. [color=0054a6][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Sierra has been described as someone with a 'mind of metal and wheels', though that is not to say that she has a heart of stone. Sierra simply desires practicality and efficiency, which may come off as a need to control. She lives a simple life, feeling that excess dulls the mind and weakens the body. Sierra shows care through action instead of words, so while she's terrible at comforting people, she may attempt to solve their problem or simply do chores around their house for them. She derives self-worth from being useful to others. She secretly, and not-so-secretly, judges others positively based on their usefulness and negatively based on their extravagance, and doesn't trust those who are rich or have lived a comfortable life. Sierra believes that the prosperity of Bellview Island lies under the earth rather than above it and seeks to save Bellview Island from the fate that befell her hometown by finding a motherlode in the mines. If she is unable to succeed at that, she would resort to 'saving' Bellview through modernization and industrialization, putting her at odds with those who would prefer to keep the island natural and pastoral. Sierra doesn't believe in the Harvest Goddess, or the supernatural. Sierra is also something of a penny-pincher having lived a relatively poor life. She likes simple foods that give her long-lasting energy and foods that don't spoil. She often conflates enjoyment and decoration with decadence and opulence. [color=0054a6][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Sierra has dark skin, long black hair, and critical red eyes. She wears plain workman's clothing and chooses utility over style or fashion. [img]http://i.imgur.com/4j6IIje.png[/img] And in true Harvest Moon fashion: [color=0054a6][b]Likes:[/b][/color] Rice balls, butter, cooking oil, bread, potatoes, corn, salted fish, hard boiled eggs, milk, cheese, pickles, preserved foods, sandwiches. All ores and gems. Tools. [color=0054a6][b]Dislikes:[/b][/color] Sweets, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables. All flowers and grasses.[/center]