Masrith watched the looks he got from others. These looks didn't bother him. When the others spoke however, it became difficult. Masrith didn't speak their language so it would difficult to speak out loud. Masrith had a different idea. He grabbed the poster he had earlier. He then grabbed another piece of paper and something to write with. He began to look at the poster, take his eye patch off and on. Then write something down. Eventually he was done writing. He handed the paper he wrote on to Morro. The paper had cruedly written words on it. 'I don't speak your language. I translate surface thoughts to understand. I could speak language of the underdark. But every race that speaks it has bad rep with surface dwellers. Might be more offensive then mind talk'. Masrith waited for a response. He eyed the others across the room. He believed the mental communication would be more strategic at this point. The enemy could have ears listening. The mental link made more sense. Masrith looked around. The group wanted him to speak out loud and he was determined to find a way. He motioned for the bartender who hesitantly and slowly approached. Masrith handed the bartender five gold pieces. The bartender looked confused only for a moment. Masrith grabbed the bartender on his head and the bartender froze. Masrith kept his hand on the bartenders head. The bartender began to speak to Morro. "I can speak out loud doing this." The voice would sound horrible. A mixture of voices between Masrith and the bartender were heard. The bartender continued. "I won't continue this for long. But I paid. If you prefer I speak out loud. I will need a volunteer."