Turk's feet no longer touched the underwater sand and were in free float. The familiar sounds of water all around him would be comforting, but these waters were unfamiliar. It'd be a long time before he would feel competent in the new oceans. A transparent eyelid slid over his eyes when he entered the water- a neat trick that had proved useful to his people for countless generations. The water was chilly, to say the least. He pushed himself deeper. Pieces of wooden debris would occasionally float past, as well as stray furnishings. A busted barrel rolled along the sand towards the deep ocean, where it vanished into the distant blue fog. There were a few crustaceans crawling about digging at things. Small fish fluttered forth in little schools, darting to and fro. They were thin and green, and far too tiny of a morsel to eat, and even too tiny to grab easily. The fish darted away, and Turk saw the cause. A bigger fish, around the same size as a trout, came into view. Turk was floating underwater, almost completely still, to avoid startling the his prey. The trout fish came a little closer, and Turk kicked off of the sand mound and leaped after the trout. It avoided his grasp and swam away. Boo. Turk broke the surface of the water with his head, and glanced around. The endless ocean curved at the horizon in front of him, and when he turned around he saw a few of his companions picking through the wreckage. He was a little farther away from them now. Unsheathing his dagger from his holster, he took another breath and dove under the waves.