[center] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/54/95/15/549515445ea7a8ae7c4224195d357b89.jpg[/img] [h2]Kepli Grub[/h2] [h3][i]"You look like a man who needs a fix-me-upper."[/i][/h3] [/center] [b]Race:[/b] Halfling [b]Appearance:[/b] Kepli is nothing special. Standard Halfling height, albeit a bit skinnier then others of his race. A tattoo covers his right arm and continues on his hand. It has no meaning other then to look cool. Kepli can often be seen with a pipe in his mouth, puffing on some of his own made weird substances more often then not. A tunic, and poncho cover his chest, whilst a studded kilt offers some protection to his legs. He likes to keep at least his toes exposed and thus wears a form of sandals. His belt is home to several smaller alchemical instruments, needles, pouches and an ornate dagger. [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Former Proffesion:[/b] Drugsmaker, drugsdealer and gambler [b]Skills:[/b] [i]Alchemy/chemistry:[/i] What started as a way to help the sick and poor in the form of making medicinal brews, quickly turned into something darker. Why heal them so they never return? Instead, make them hooked on your product and make them return all the time! With some plants and alchemical substances, Kepli is able to make the finest of drugs, like Ada's Breath, Trimpax and much more. [i]Sleight of hand:[/i] What better to do with your hard earned cash then to gamble it away? But instead of relying on luck, Kepli took matters into own hand. A flick of the wrist here, a unnoticeable motion there and voila! Straight Flush! He only uses this during gambling, not for things like pickpocketing. He might not be the cleanest, but he is not a thief! [i]Mercantile Mind:[/i] Having to sell your wares in a city this dangerous, one needs a quick mind. What are the best spots to sell? How do I get rid of my competitors? What kind of person is this? How much is he willing to bend? If you want to stay in the market, it is best you learn to answer these questions quickly. Luckily Kepli could. With his keen mind and people skills, Kepli can quickly spot a potential customer and see exactly where most profit can be obtained. [b]Personality:[/b] At first glance he can be rather eerie, simply observing his surroundings, not saying a word. But given the time, Kepli can turn into a friendly, outgoing person who would simply love to sell you something! It is uncertain if this Halfling shows true friendless, or merely plays the act of it. Kepli isn't shy of trying his own stuff, which can vary his personality quite a bit. [b]History:[/b] Kepli was born into a life better then most people in the city had. He had a loving mother, a caring father, a roof above his head, good food everyday. Nothing to complain about really. His childhood was a simple one, not much different from a normal kids life. It all really changed when Kepli decided to pursue a career in alchemy, mainly focused on the creation of medicinal brews. This also went rather well for Kepli. He learned how to make potions rather quickly, and he had a steady supply of customers. For the city of Kings Knell was never short of sick or hurt people. There was but one problem with this. Kepli didn't discriminate his customers, and thus he was often brought into contact with the darker and shadier people. Through dark whispers and manipulation, Keplis vision begin to change. It was no longer care that drove him in his work, it was money now. The problem with being as good as Kepli was, was that his customers never returned. Once they were healed up, they'd pay once and then begon. So Kepli decided to add addicting elements to his medicine so his customers would keep returning. He continued this practice for a while, changing his recipes more and more, until they looked nothing like medicines anymore. His parents had taken note of the difference in behavior of Kepli and the customers his shop attracted. They confronted him and he confessed. Medicines were long behind him! Drugs were the future. He could make a person fall asleep in an instant, or keep him going for an entire week. And the best thing about it was the pay! But his parents were not impressed. They urged Kepli to stop and come home. But Kepli refused, so his parents send the guard for him. Kepli manged to escape and fled to the Lower Town, where he continued his practice, albeit in less fashion. Being surrounded by many other shady figures, it didn't take long for Kepli to get accustomed to their habits. Gambling, drinking, taking his own drugs. Things that were unthinkable a couple of years ago, were the most normal thing now. This was his new lifestyle for a long amount of years. He could have done it till he died, were he not so unfortunate as to try to cheat with cards whilst he was playing a smarter then regular guardsman. With little research came his other profession to the light as well. Where a cheat would normally just need to pay a hefty sum of money, dealing drugs with a bit of a heavier crime. The options were simple. Spend the rest of his life in prison, or join the guard. Well, that was an easy decision for Kepli...