[center][img] http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b503/sleepingtusk/cooltext120130320062345_zpszewpgnd8.png [/img][/center] [color=skyblue]"I wouldn't be around if I wasn't a quick study"[/color] She murmured as she was helped to her feet. Andro's response to her apology did little to reassure Rain after her blunder, it was rare for the werewolf to give in to her pride but falling on her face wasn't exactly an impressive display of her prowess... The brief pause was enough to tell Rain that she might have hit a sore subject, if that wasn't enough she could sense it through Andro's answer. Gingerly making her way over to the lift, Rain growled at the guide as he went to help her into the lift...she wanted them both to see she was fully capable of getting herself into the diabolical contraption. [color=skyblue]"Sorry, I shouldn't have asked about her"[/color] Rain interjected as she settled into the lift next to Andro, curling her fingers around the bar once the guide had secured it in place. She glanced at the gorgon as she batted a question back at her, were it not for the obvious discomfort she'd caused with her own question, Rain would have given a short answer. She didn't often talk about her home, not because it was a sore subject...more so for safety's sake. [color=skyblue]"You could say that...my pack lives in mountains similiar to these. Tends to be less snow around there, this time of year mind you. We don't really ski...occassionally we'd go sledding for fun"[/color] She responded, inhaling sharply as the lift jutted to life and they started off up the mountain. It wasn't that Rain was scared of heights, she loved them, but machinery of any kind made her nervous. [color=skyblue]"Say, did you skip skiing again because you didn't enjoy it or for more personal reasons?"[/color] The werewolf asked, keen to concentrate on something other than the lift they were sat in, it wasn't exactly difficult to be distracted with Andromeda there.