[hider=Phylactery][img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/0244b008c6461f20f4639881442d9824/tumblr_inline_n9r3y241XX1svancn.png[/img][/hider] [hider=True Form][img]http://store.bethsoft.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/a/r/art-litho-doom-cyberdemon-full.jpg[/img][/hider] Name: Adramalech / Oni Gender: Male, but not in the sense that humans understand Age: Old Race: Outsider (He has...fallen into this dimension)/Cyborg Faction: GDF Personality: Adramalech hasn't fully grasped this worlds mannerisms and nuanced speech, instead observing others more than interacting with them. This has caused a bit of alienation among his new peers, in addition to his monstrous and often time abstract appearance. However this does not bother him in the slightest, having little in common with mankind and only loyal to the GDF out of gratitude for freeing him. In fact Adramalech does not believe any of the kaiju's attacks as anything inherently wrong, only as the strong proving that they deserve to exist. First and foremost one must remember that Adramalech is an alien to this world and doesn't conform to a conventional morality. On the one hand he sees nothing wrong with killing anyone as long as he perseveres them to be a challenge and worthy of battle. He also has no reserves against killing a superior if he believes them to be incompetent or lacking in power. However he also has a strong loyalty to those who prove their strength, following orders unquestionably as long he perceives them to be worthy of command. In addition he adheres himself completely to debts and contracts, following them in spirit and without taking advantage of loopholes. Adramalech's word is is absolute bond and he expects others to follow suit for should he discover he has been cheated or betrayed, there will be hell to pay. History: What can be deciphered from etchings in the Phylactery and what little Adramalech has revealed himself is this, he was betrayed. For this indiscretion he went to war, a long and brutal conflict that ended with his defeat. As punishment Adramalech was imprisoned in a Phylactery, a slice of home confined within. Bound to the land by hook and ward, Adramalech was cast out to be forgotten... rotting away until the end of time. That is, until he fell through a crack. A rip through the fabric of the universe sucked him through and deposited the Phylactery deep within the Pacific. Eventually the Phylactery was discovered, an oddity to be picked apart and studied. It's study was about to be called off, a waste of time and resources when nothing bore fruit, until an unlucky lab assistant... amputated their hands accidentally while applying high levels of electricity. With lifeblood given and a connection to this world established, Adramalech awoke and began to speak from within the Phylactery. With his guidance and the combined knowledge of science and the occult, Adramalech was able to be free. With a new lease on life and new parts to replace what was lost, Adramalech has taken up the title of "Oni" and is ready to begin repaying his debt to the GDF. [b][b][i]Cyber[/i][/b][/b]: Fatum Reactor: The energies of Adam's home plane aren't fully understood and in some cases run contrary to established scientific laws. The Phylactery generates all the power Adramalech could ever need to employ his weaponry, seemingly without end. However it seems to almost be... alive, a force that grows tired while in use but comes back in full force soon after. Hellfire Cannon: Adams left arm is completely cybernetic, all the way up the to shoulder. The armor is durable enough to be used as a club and can take a good number of hits. However it's intended use is to house the Hellfire Cannon, an energy based weapon that uses Fatum as power. The Fatum can manifest in two fashions, a single extremely devastating blast or a continuous laser like projectile that while still incredibly dangerous, has a gentler touch. Of his abilities, the use of the Hellfire Cannon tires the Fatum the quickest and has the least efficient energy transfer. Maybe one day an upgrade will be available, but for now it is only used in short bursts. Belphegor Rocket Batteries: Almost like a dull green, metallic backpack, lies a large rocket battery system used to rain pain upon opponents. This rockets are usually loaded specifically to combat certain foes before deployment and while very effective against his intended target, may be less so against another. Assisted Rocket Sprint: Using Fatum energy and conventional rockets, Adam is able to charge across the battlefield with supersizing speed for a being his size. However he does not have much control in moving around as he'd like and it tires out the Fatum energy almost as bad as the Hellfire Cannon. Cybernetic Leg: Adams right leg from the knee down has been replaced with cybernetics, nothing incredibly fancy but it has grounding spikes to keep him from being jostled too much. [b][i]Demon[/i][/b] Strength: As befitting a being his size, Adam is incredibly strong and can keep up with the rest of them. Durability: broken bits not withstanding, Adam's carapace is incredibly tough and can take a beating before having to retreat. Bone Blade: An incredibly strong, incredibly dense bone blade juts out of his right forearm. The blade reaches past his hand a bit, looking more like a punch dagger than anything else. However when energized with Fatum energy a large, crackling fire spreads from the blade and out. This fire refines into an almost plasma like blade that can be used in melee combat or thrown an impressive distance. Phylactery: The core, the Phylactery keeps the little Fatum energy Adramalech has alive by carrying a slice of the home plane with him wherever he goes. When things get too hairy Adramalech can retreat into the Phylactery, taking refuge on home turf and allowing his injuries heal at an increased rate. While within the Phylactery Adramalech can speak to others, forcing his will outside and speaking within the minds of others. Beyond this however he is powerless to interact with the outside world. The Phylactery itself however, is another story. Those with sufficient wills can move the Phylactery with but a thought and while not a weapon in and of itself, the defensive blades are impossibly sharp. Do with that knowledge what you will. Size: In his true form Adramalech stands at a mighty 75 meters in height and has a great deal of weight to throw around. Other: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNRCA1hbvQk]Argent Combat - Battle/Marching Theme[/url]