He was rather glad that Trick wasn't going to kill him, even more glad that she was UNABLE to kill him. When she spoke to him again her voice was something gentle. He pondered this for a moment. Was he finally starting to melt her icy heart. No, it wasn't possible. She still hated him and he knew it would never change. To her he was just a cold-blooded criminal who murdered innocents with little to no regard for their lives. Jack sat up, rolling his shoulders a bit and wincing as he did so. The wounds on his back were nearly gone but they still hurt like hell and he was weak from all the blood he had lost but he was tenacious and was able to get himself to sit up. "Why do I wanna kill this guy so bad?" Jack repeated then pondered the question. This was followed by a snicker, as if she didn't know. "Oh boy, I thought I told you." He joked. "Shirley, the man you nearly killed in my stead. He tortured me and a handful of others for years. More than just years and more than just torture. He tortured me since I was a tiny little kid. Nearly 2 decades he tortured and experimented on me. Till I became the monster I am today. Broken-minded and scarred all over." Jack grinned, something dark and sadistic showed in his face. "But hey! What do you care? All you care about is protecting the innocents while [i]I[/i] am busy taking down those that he TORTURED. I murder them. Yes. I murder my own kind because they want to murder everyone else. And YES I have no regard for the safety of others. I'm just fucked up that way. I don't know what to tell you, doll. This is the world we live in." Jack stood up, now feeling a little energized from his rant. "It doesn't matter. None of it matters. WOOOO" He bowed at the waist then stood up straight to throw his head back and laugh almost maniacally. "You don't know girly, you don't the nightmares I've lived the horrors I've seen!! And you. YOU DON'T EVEN CARE!!" Jack removed a knife from his belt and flipped it up from his hand, catching it by the blade and holding the handle out to her. "So what is it going to be, do you have the strength to take down the one you hate, the one who maliciously and carelessly murders so many innocents in one day." He took the knife and flipped it once more, to hold it to his throat. "Or shall I do it myself, m'lady?"