[@olcharlieboi] [hider=Amaya Ikeda] [b]Name:[/b] Amaya Ikeda [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Unagi hime (eel princess) [b]Race Information:[/b] Unagi hime can take on the appearance of a large eel or a beautiful woman. They live in the depths of lakes and ponds, guarding it from crabs, spiders, and other water guardians. In their human form, they are capable of all human behaviours and actions. They subsist on a carnivorous diet and spend their free time weaving clothing. [b]Human appearance:[/b] 5'4" tall; clear, pale skin; long, straight black hair; green eyes. [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_x3UBve_gte0/TAuE_3MPcoI/AAAAAAAAAWA/LDYhnzetnD4/s1600/AnimeGirl23.jpg[/img] [b]Unagi hime appearance:[/b] 5'4" long; black scaly skin; a long fin running along the top and bottom of its body; beady green eyes; small, sharp teeth. [b]Backstory:[/b] Amaya's home, Lake Ikeda, has been successfully protected by unagi hime for thousands of years. The lake still maintains its unique aquatic society and biodiversity through attempted conquers by other guardians, selfish humans, and natural disasters. The unagi hime in this lake are said to be especially charismatic, using their social skills, psychological tactics, and aesthetic charm to recruit warriors, scientists, divers, and highly intelligent animals to protect and fight for the lake. But now, the lake faces a new threat. A nearby robotics laboratory has been overrun by super-intelligent AI, and fears of robots taking over the lake are becoming more and more prominent. Amaya is the daughter of the current lake guardian, Manami Ikeda, known for working with scientists to protect the lake against pollution from the local industrial boom. Amaya does not seem to have inherited the social finesse of her ancestors at all; unfortunately for her, she is next in line to guard the lake. Her mother has sent her to the Yokai Academy to learn human social skills, as she must be prepared to convince and recruit humans to help fight against the impending threats. [b]Bio:[/b] Amaya was born on a bed of seaweed at the very bottom of Lake Ikeda. She grew up during the pollution crisis from local industrialization. Although her mother, Manami, was often on land making negotiations with researchers in her auburn-haired human form, Manami still found the time to teach Amaya the human language. Growing up as the only Unagi hime child in the lake, she became comfortable communicating with sea creatures. Around them, she is able to display her analytical smarts and good humour. She is adept at the behaviours, body languages, and facial expressions used to communicate with animals. However, she has had no exposure to humans except learning to walk and hearing stories. She had always known she would be next to guard the lake, so it came as no surprise that her mother wanted to send her to the Yokai Academy to learn to be with humans. She must get over the fears shaped by lack of exposure to humans. She knows that humans are more intelligent and intuitive than the animals she's comfortable around. She is unfamiliar with their body language and ways of speech, and is not yet good at reading them. She fears what they are thinking of her and what they think in general. All this shows itself as shyness around humans. She has yet to learn how similar humans and other highly intelligent beings are to her. [b]Personality:[/b] Amaya is a naturally self-aware and self-conscious person. She is at times too self-absorbed in her fears. She tends to think too much and over-analyze every situation. Her self-confidence is on the low end of healthy and normal, because she can always find a reason why she is not good enough. She is not quick to anger, happiness, or any emotion, because she must first decide if the situation warrants it. [b]Strengths:[/b] Swimming; beauty; non-verbal communication; charisma. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Fear of the unknown; verbal communication; over-thinking; unwillingness to take charge. [/hider]