[hider=Serona] [hider=Apperances] [hider=Natural][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/5c/da/d2/5cdad2e1aa6623e0b8e0708ca6246fe1.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Partial][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/1e/c6/78/1ec67860af8e456f29082e73cb92c5dc.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Human][img]http://spi4uk.itvnet.lv/upload/articles/16/164545/images/Mistiskie-radijumi-1.jpg[/img][/hider][/hider] [color=ec008c]Name:[/color] Serona Mei Rose [color=ec008c]Age:[/color] 16 [color=ec008c]Gender:[/color] Female [color=ec008c]Race: [/color]Siren [color=ec008c]Race Information: [/color] [list][*] Exclusively female [*] Mermaid tails, wings, human torsos [*] Power is in their song; they charm, lure and feast [*] Charms don't work on women [*] Main source of nourishment is the life force (and sometimes flesh) of men [*] When someone falls victim to their hypnotic song it's difficult to knock they out of it [*] Without her voice, she's a fish out of water [*] Cannot fly, even though she has wings [*] Each song they sing has a purpose - but it may not be obvious to the listener[/list] Personality: A woman who follows her nature more than logic, often finds herself in complicated or awkward situations. She's impulsive, dauntless and a massive flirt. Social expectations are not something she's well versed in, and despite being of monstrous origin, she has no desire for destruction. Off the sea of course. At times, when she's tired or had a bad day, she can get aggressive or grumpy - more often than not going after her waker with her voice. On the other hand, Serona is capable of compassion, and is actually very lonely from her times spent on the Greek islands. She is not familiar with love, nor with a want of companionship. She's known what few emotions feel like, though curiosity and a deep capacity to learn find a home within her. [/hider]