[center][h3][color=crimson][b]ARI FRANCIS ADASSI[/b][/color][/h3] [img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/1a1b563a4dfe3219c05a4638a62dfa23/tumblr_mkekjn7txR1qa5ncdo3_500.gif[/img][/center][hr] Whoops, struck a metaphorical vein. Ari regretted his question as soon as he saw the expression that touched Jar's features, apparently none too pleased with his straightforwardness. Acting oblivious to how it might affect his bandmate, Ari shrugged a shoulder and stared off elsewhere, like matters concerning Jar's exes really didn't bother him. The dead tone Jar had adopted after a couple of moments of uncomfortable silence was more than unnerving, especially paired with the rhetoric itself. Ari winced, not appreciating the black humour but figuring it was nothing to take seriously. Hopefully. Still, Jar had made the implication that he'd be driven to that point by a [i]girl[/i]. Just some girl. Just moments ago you wouldn't have been able to get Ari to hate her more, but here he was, ridiculously irritated. He waited until Jar's back was turned to respond, and even then, it was mostly nonverbal. [color=crimson][b]"'right,"[/b][/color] he mumbled dismissively, practically inaudible, and floundered with finding an unobtrusive place to stand before settling into a lean against the booth beside Jar. He squinted at the names, half-interested, and tried to keep his foot from bouncing impatiently. Ari was steadily growing more energetic (or, more accurately, more on edge), and it wasn't just affecting him physically. Goddamn Jade. In all fairness, Jareth probably ruined his health just as much as he did last night on every other night, but he didn't make as vocal a deal out of it then. Ari thought he had a right to be worried, personalky, but maybe not the right to be on such a lookout for her. Not like he'd even [i]do[/i] anything if he saw her; just stare daggers from a distance, or something; Jade would probably win in a physical fight. Bummer. Good thing he didn't catch sight of her. Without any prompting, Ari fell into an easy pace beside Jar towards the bleachers, not so surprised when he heard the concern about their band's name. Crimson was a cringey enough name in itself; capitalizing the 'S' for CrimSon just made them look like they thought they were special. He hadn't thought of official replacement names - just toyed with ideas, mostly - but still. He had some good concepts (which, surely, they would regret in five years or less time, but even then they'd have something less embarrassing to go by at the Battle). Ari was preparing to voice some of the ideas in question when, while Jar was speaking, he spotted someone coming towards them. Running? No, that was... a skateboard. Oh man. Ari may be quite alert now, moreso than usual, but he didn't have the reflexes to get Jar out of the way in time, and he [i]knew[/i] it in the single second he had to prepare for impact. Useless. The damage mostly went to Jar, and so Ari was the one who remained most balanced in the end (even if he was taking a fall, too, it just spoke words how collectively clumsy they were). When Jar stumbled towards him, Ari at least attempted to set him upright, but to no avail. He wrapped an arm around the other boy's bony torso, but didn't get any grip, and fell backwards himself against the bleachers. Hey, it could have been a [i]lot[/i] less graceful. He could've easily fallen flat on his face, but Ari just narrowly avoided that mortifying fate. Instead, he had his arms slung over the seat behind him, like he'd just exercised for hours and now had to collapse entirely just for rest, watching the other two gather some loose papers. Frankly, he was absolutely no help here. Especially not when he was being struck with a very vivid reminder of who this skater was. Road trips were hell by themselves, but they got worse when you added in being teenagers with rampant hormones and room for experimentation; honestly, Ari wasn't into the latter, but he was a victim of it this summer (his words). He thought he was pretty good at hiding the fact that his sexuality was a gigantic question mark, but Davy supposedly thought otherwise. That's the only rationalization Ari could give the situation when he very nearly had his face sucked off in a goddamn national park. Or drugs, but that didn't seem like Davy's thing. In any case, he was still very suspicious of the kid. [color=crimson][b]"No worries,"[/b][/color] Ari tacked on to Jar's reassurances, eyeing Davy warily. There were some worries, but he was staying quiet to recuperate from the sudden flashback. Like, are any of them stuck with broken bones now? How would he live past this horrifyingly public incident? Evidently, Ari didn't realise that his reputation couldn't change just because he'd bumped into someone. He didn't bother with the cushy greetings and make-betters, since Jar seemed to have carried them out already. He hadn't exactly been looking, figuring they were boring syllabi or pamphlets handed out like candy on first days, but both Davy squeaking a helpless [i]don't![/i] and Jar's unblinking stare prompted Ari to glance over at the now gathered mass of papers. The topmost paper was distressed from, supposedly, being tossed around in this encounter, but it was hard to miss. Less entranced by it than Jar was, he slowly looked up to Davy, as if trying to confirm it was actually done by him. Yep. He looked sufficiently embarrassed enough for it to be his own work. Odd - he'd never known Davy to be an artist, but then again, he'd never known Davy particularly well. A smile finally reached his lips, and he started nodding his head approvingly. [color=crimson][b]"Holy shit,"[/b][/color] he agreed, speaking in unison with Jar. While Jar was sitting there agonizing over the thing, asking to keep the memento, Ari jumped straight into business. [color=crimson][b]"That's brutal. You making money off of this? You [i]should,[/i]"[/b][/color] he rambled, moving around to look over Davy's shoulder. [color=crimson][b]"I'd buy stuff like this. Shit, man, you're talented!"[/b][/color] His arms were crossed over his chest, but one flew out to whack Davy appreciatively on the shoulder, like that was some true mark of appraisal. [center][hider]little half-assed rendering of how davy's drawing might look like (his is much more meticulous) [hider][img]http://i.imgur.com/0O5aEIW.jpg[/img][/hider][/hider][/center]