The sun rose high behind the mountains of the small island Bellview resided on, shining it's morning light on the streets of the village. [i][b]Beep beep beep beep beep-[/b][/i] Guinevere gripped the top of the table and pulled herself off the floor, turning off the alarm. "7:30 a.m. already, huh?" With a deep sigh, she looked over at the pile of fabric and tools which had surrounded her on the floor. "Not even half way to being finished... Who would request a wedding dress when they weren't even engaged!?" Ruffling her hair, Guinevere made her way to the windows, opening the curtains a bit too theatrically. The Tailor set herself into a rush, shrugging on her periwinkle cardigan and running her fingers through her messy waves, [i]I'll wash it tonight...[/i] she thought. Taking a moment to peek in at her mother, who was resting peacefully in bed. Shutting the door quietly, she walked out of the house. Locking the front door, she took off towards the Tailor's shop a few yards away. The morning air was crisp and the dew covered the newly bloomed flowers and the growing leaves on the trees. [i]Spring is so colorful, I should start on some spring clothing.[/i] Guinevere unlocked the front door to the shop and let the keys slide into the pocket of her cardigan. Opening the curtains to the large front windows of the store, and flipping the "[i]Come in! We're open![/i]" sign around, she sat at the front desk and pulled out a granola bar from the drawer. The automatic coffee pot started brewing right at eight a.m., as expected. "Mmmm..." she let out, the coffee's scent filling the small shop, "Good Morning."