Sophos shook his head as Demoko spoke to him. "No offense is taken, none at all. I'm not proud enough to deny that I'm in a bad shape right now, my friend." However, the Sage's plan to get by without a fight made him curious. What did Demoko have up his sleeve now? When he remembered the amazing gifts he'd given everybody in the group, such as Caelan's infinite waterskin or his own perfect recipe book, the elderly mage couldn't help but put his trust in Demoko. Whatever they would have to face, Sophos was sure Demoko could handle it. Even...[i]blowing the bridge up?! [/i] That...that would be a problem. A horde of Templars they might be able to fight through or get past, but...the Templars destroying the bridge? Now that was something that they had almost no defense against. Turning to Demoko, Sophos listened attentively as he started to speak to the newly arrived merchants. So that was his game, eh? Hiding out among a group of travelers, under a simple disguise spell? That was a good plan. A good plan, indeed. Taking one of the rings, Sophos put it on, his appearance shifting to that of a man younger than he, but by no means youthful. His hair appeared to become darker, with flecks of white sprinkled within it. Climbing into the back of one of the wagons, "Now this is a plan, Demoko! We'll sneak right by, and they'll not have noticed it was us if all goes well! They'll be here another day while we make our way into Castle Town! Hahaaaa!"