It was a lovely spring morning in Bellview as Ralph got out of bed; by the looks of where the sun was, the day had started not too long ago. He would need to get to work at some point, but he lived in the second floor above his own store, so Ralph could take his time. The apartment itself was basic, but comfortable; two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a combination kitchen/dining room. “7:30? Eh, I’ve got time.” He took a shower, threw on his t-shirt and jeans, and glanced out the window to see if anyone was waiting on him. Nope. “Oh, that’s good, I can eat.” With that said, Ralph grabbed some bread and put it in the toaster. Once it came out, he grabbed some grape jelly, a glass of water, and today’s newspaper from the apartment entrance and ate some breakfast. “Hmm…8:30, guess I should get to work!” And now the day would begin; Ralph went downstairs to his family’s store and started his work. At a glance, the shelves were pretty full, so he wouldn’t need to order anything. And upon examination, the cash register and deposit box for purchases were full too; everything seemed to be in good order. It’s not like crime really was an issue here, but it never hurt to check. The store also was pretty clean, so that took care of everything that really needed to be done. “8:35 and all of my work is done. I’m getting more efficient every day!” he joked to himself. And with that, Ralph finished the last tasks he needed to complete; he hung up the store’s sign, unlocked the door, and went out for a walk to enjoy the day. [i]Open - Pay on Honor System[/i], the sign said.