- Andromeda - Andro felt a little bad when Rain apologized for mentioning her mom. she didn't want to make Rain feel bad, but Andro really didn't want to explain so she'd just smiled and gone right into her next question as the lift moved forward. she was actually pretty interested in Rain's answer, she didn't really know anything about the werewolf so she payed close attention to the woman's answer. [color=39b54a]"oh really? I don't particularly like snow so I maybe I'd like it there, but I could never survive in the woods"[/color] she chuckled a little nervously [color=39b54a]"not by myself, and I certainly don't belong to any wolf packs"[/color] she was a bit confused by Rain's question but since she still felt bad about Rain apologizing earlier she told her the truth, most of it anyway. [color=39b54a]"honestly?"[/color] Andro asked [color=39b54a]"both, as you've noticed, me and my mother... well that's not something I like discussing..."[/color] she heard a quiet hiss from beneath her hood, that was a nice sound, it meant her snakes were still conscious, if they lost consciousness she would soon follow. [color=39b54a]"but uh... I don't like the cold, it's... well it's not particularly good for me"[/color] she still remembered finding that out the hard way, it hadn't been until years after that she'd started wondering if her mom had brought her out there on purpose, because she knew. Andro shook her head a little, she wasn't going to think about it right now, she was going to have a nice time with Rain. [color=39b54a]"um, Skiing's not that different from sledding, honestly"[/color] she said, wanting to change the topic away from her again. [color=39b54a]"as long as you land on your feet and keep your balance you'll do fine"[/color] they were about half way to the top now [color=39b54a]"do you... uh do you miss your pack? they're like your family right?"[/color]