[color=9e005d][h3][center]~The Ever so Great Witch [s]in training[/s], Selma~[/center][/h3] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdpkiUY8WmQ&list][center]La la lala la~ An average start, to an average day[/center][/url][/color] It was a warm, pleasant spring day all things considered. Flowers were likely blooming outside, children laughing and playing, birds singing. Really, as the sun rose over the mountains on the Island Bellview was located on, it created a rather picturesque display. Anyone who had a daily schedule of work to keep would likely already be waking up, or at least attempting to wake up. Well. [color=9e005d]"ZzzzZZZzz...."[/color] Most people. [color=9e005d]"Nooo~....don't take...giant ice cream muffin cake...Ehehee...~"[/color] The Witch [s]in training[/s] known as Selma Baumn was still busy snoozing away the morning. She was sound asleep in her bed, soft purple covers pulled over her head, talking quietly in her sleep in an uncharacteristically cute fashion. Soon though, a loud, echoing chime ran echoed through her room. The source, a antique looking grandfather clock. Likely an alarm to wake the one still sleeping despite being morning. The girl pulled the covers over her tighter, as if making an attempt to make a shield against the loud ringing of the clock, reveling in whatever sweet-filled dream she was likely having. Unfortunately, the chime of the clock wouldn't be ignored. It continued, for a full minute. Every chime, the girl pulled the covers closer around her. Eventually, the young witch couldn't take any more and she shot straight up in her bed, appearing somewhat disgruntled. [color=9e005d]"Alright I'm up, jeez!"[/color] She yawned, stretching her arms in an attempt to help herself wake. [color=9e005d]"Urrrgh...stupid...mornings. Why can't they...just not come?"[/color] She questioned to no one in particular as the chiming in the clock finally stopped after tormenting her for the past minute. She sat on her bed for a few minutes, still groggy and somewhat half asleep. It was spring. Her second most disliked season next to the scorching heat of summer, and she was hesitant to even start working or even wake up. ...she sort of wished she could just hibernate through spring and summer. The childish thought amused her slightly before she decided she better go and make herself look presentable to the populace. So, she stood, and started making her way out of her room. Or would have, if her foot didn't get caught on a loose blanket and she promptly fell flat on her face. Another uncharacteristically cute 'squee' noise escaped her mouth as she face planted. [color=9e005d]"Owie...ow...ow."[/color] She held a hand to her forehead, likely where a bruise would be forming. Well, nothing a small tonic couldn't heal, but ugh that was embarrassing. She was glad no one saw that. So, without thinking too much about it, she stood up and got herself presentable. Got rid of her bedhead, bathed, had breakfast (which consisted solely of strawberries, tea, and a sandwich), dressed herself in her usual black dress, boots, and donned her trademarked witches cloak. She had decided she wouldn't open her shop today. As she had no reason too, after all. If someone wanted to request her services, it wasn't like she had to be there anyways. She could discuss details anywhere. Not that she was probably going to be getting much business, though...the villagers of Bellveiw didn't seem keen on her help. Which was fine. Magic was a rare talent and shouldn't be abused by funny little humans in just any manner~ By the time she was finished cleaning up, it was around eight in the morning. She took a deep breath of the spring air. Well, it wasn't too warm yet, so maybe today wouldn't be entirely frustrating. She'd go out to the woods, maybe. See if she could find anything useful. So, humming a quiet up beat tune to herself, she left her home.