“Reed! If you want breakfast you need to get up now, or make it yourself!!” Aria shouted. Reed grumbled, groggily sitting up in his bed. He glanced over at the analog clock by his bedside, looking perplexed by the time. It was only 7:30. Why his sister thought it was normal to get up, let alone wake others up, at such an hour was beyond him. The man stretched his limbs and clambered out of bed, forcing himself to wake up. He might as well get ready for the day since he was already up. There was no way he’d ever fall back asleep now. Food, especially if it was his sister’s cooking, would be worth the early wakeup call though. The youngest Greyson was already halfway through her breakfast by the time Reed stumbled into the kitchen. Aria looked up, a smile on her lips. “Good morning.” She chimed, wide awake and ready for the day. Reed sat down across from his little sister, going to take a bite of the French toast in front of him, before he noticed the basket sitting on the table. His eyes narrowed a little. “How long have you been up?” He inquired. The small basket was almost full of herbs from the garden outside, and they weren’t there the night before. “An hour… two maybe.” She replied, shrugging. The young woman ate the last couple of bites on her plate. She was always the first of the duo to wake up, but she usually wasn’t up at 5:30 in the morning. Aria picked up her plate and set them in the sink. “Do you think you can do the dishes today? I want to get to the restaurant early...” she asked, turning to look at her brother. “Uh… Sure. Do you need a ride into town first?” Reed replied, clearing his own plate. He always ate fast. Aria shook her head. “No, I think I’ll take my bike today.” She turned quickly, the skirt of her blue dress shifting at the motion. As she picked up the basket of herbs she looked back at her brother. “Have a good day, alright?” “Don’t worry, I will. Just be careful! And don’t burn yourself!!” Reed called out as his sister disappeared out the back door.