[hider=Jimmy Wu][h3][b][color=f26522]Name:[/color][/b] Jimmy Wu "Iron Monkey"[/h3] [b][color=f26522]Gender:[/color][/b] Male [b][color=f26522]Age:[/color][/b] 47 [b][color=f26522]Appearance:[/color][/b] Jimmy is of Asian descent, born in Guangzhou, Guangdong, China. He stands 66.5" tall (169cm) and weighs 164 Lbs. (74.5 Kg). He has natural dark chestnut brown hair, which he keeps at a length just past his shoulders, cinched in a band behind his back, occasionally braided. His eyes are a light brown, almost hazel in color. Aside from the lighter colors for hair and eyes, Jimmy has the traditional East Asian features; a rounded face, flattened nose and thick full lips. Due to a lifetime of physical conditioning, Jimmy Wu is in tip top shape. He is very lithe and fluid in his movements. Agility, Stamina and Strength are his assets. [hider=Personality][b][color=f26522]Personality:[/color][/b] Jimmy is very reticent, keeping things close to the vest. He prefers to maintain a professional appearance removing himself from any potential drama that may surround a particular subject. Jimmy is able to control his emotions so that they do not carry him away. He can be very pensive, but believes that right will always triumph over evil. He believes in the goals of S.H.I.E.L.D. and its leaders, Mr. Coulson and Colonel Fury. It is rare to get a rise out of Jimmy Wu. His combat sports training keeps him placid, focused.[/hider] [hider=Backstory][b][color=f26522]Backstory:[/color][/b] Wu's mother, Lijuan, is a Fu Style Wudangquan (Wu Tang; Wu Shu style) and Tai Chi grandmaster, while his father, Bing Wu, is a newspaper editor. Wu was born in Guangzhou, Guangdong, China. When he was two years old, his family moved to Hong Kong, and then to Boston, Massachusetts, United States, when he was 11. His younger sister, Nicole Wu, is also a martial artist. At a young age, under the influence of his mother, Wu developed an interest in martial arts and began experimenting with various styles, including Tai Chi and other traditional Chinese martial arts. Wu then started karate when he was nine. He focused on practicing Wushu seriously at the age of fourteen after dropping out of school. His parents were concerned that he was spending too much time in the Boston Combat Zone where he was constantly getting into fights, so they sent him to Beijing on a two-year training program with the Beijing Wushu Team. Wu decided to return to the United States at the conclusion of his training program, and started training in taekwondo around the age of sixteen. Wu also came from a family of musicians. His mother is a soprano, in addition to being a martial arts teacher in Boston, while his father is a violinist. From a young age, he was taught by his parents to play musical instruments, including the piano. He excelled at the keyboard and still plays to this day. Jimmy considers himself a mixed martial artist, competing in various MMA competitions around the world, both in the US and in Asia. In his late teens and for many years later, he focused on his taekwondo, earning a 6th Dan. Jimmy Wu won gold medals in Wushu competitions both in the US and in China. Wu later went on to discover and to seek knowledge on other martial arts styles; obtaining black and purple belts in Judo and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu respectively. He studied the art of Parkour, Wrestling, Muay Thai, Kickboxing and Boxing under various trainers. Having the ability to train in both the United States and in China helped to diversify his talents and round out his skills in the various martial art forms. His MMA experience helped him to become one of the world's best fighters. At age 30, Wu had the opportunity to add a new martial arts system to his arsenal. He worked hard and studied Wing Chun under Ip Man's eldest son, Ip Chun, for 9 months. Ip Chun has since praised Wu for his effort, and complimented that Wu is a great martial artist and a fast learner, managing to grasp the full concept of Wing Chun much faster than anyone else he has taught. Jimmy Wu believes combining many martial arts together will produce the most effective and harmonious style. He believes in practical combat, and in his opinion, MMA is the most authentic type of practical combat. At the age of 34, while training on Kowaloon Peak, Jimmy Wu made a discovery that would forever alter the direction of his life. He finished running the trails up and down the mountain, a routine he uses for conditioning and discovered an abandoned cave. He entered the cave out of curiosity. In the deep dark recesses of the cave, he discovered three clay pots. One such pot smashed open revealing an ancient Chinese relic that may have lain dormant for a few millennia. When he opened what can only be described as a very ornate jewel box, it released a yellow opaque mist that Jimmy could not avoid breathing in. The mist knocked him unconscious for several hours. When he awoke, it was very dark. He was still holding the ancient relic in his hands, leaving the cave to return home. He later realized he had been asleep for eight hours. Within a week, he began to discover a new ability, teleportation. While viewing a photograph of himself taken on Boston Common, in the state of Massachusetts on the other side of the planet, he got lost in his thoughts and without intentions found himself sitting on the grass in the capital city of the Bay State. Naturally, he was astonished recognizing the State House rising in front of him with its golden dome and statues of John F. Kennedy and Civil War General Joseph Hooker. Standing in Boston only a second after sitting on the floor of his residence in Hong Kong made him question reality and try desperately to figure out how he had traveled to the other side of the world in less time than it takes to blink. He spent the next year testing his teleportation ability and found himself traveling all over the world, never having to use public transportation again. He even experimented with implementing this ability into his mixed martial arts fighting style. He has trained himself to teleport in short distances in order to obtain an advantageous position on an opponent. This method works well for getting out of a disadvantageous position. He includes his teleportation ability in his daily training regimen. Two years after discovering his teleportation ability, Jimmy Wu found that he also has the ability to summon a person, creature or object from any location in the world to his current location. This is an ability that is quite taxing on his energy. He is fatigued whenever he uses this ability and has successfully only summoned six people continuously before passing out. He practices summoning when able, but he has not determined how to increase his stamina during the summoning process. At the age of 39, Jimmy found himself in a peculiar position where he did not want to be seen. He [i]wished[/i] himself hidden and slowly discovered that he was able to change his appearance to that of his background. Regardless of what attire he wore or where he was, he could mentally alter his appearance to that of the surrounding terrain; natural or man-made. This dynamic camouflage has enabled him to hide himself successfully in any open air environment. The risk with this ability is, anyone who can see or detect infrared signatures will be able to see Jimmy's body heat even if he appears something other than what he is. For the past eight years, Jimmy has been employed as a member of Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division (S.H.I.E.L.D.) working with Phil Coulson and Colonel Nick Fury. Jimmy continues to train in Martial Arts, even competing from time to time in UFC title bouts. He includes his special abilities in his training; hoping to improve or unlock additional abilities that may have come from the ancient Chinese Relic he found that day on the mountain in Hong Kong.[/hider] [hider=Skills][b][color=f26522]Skills:[/color][/b] Training and experience in several martial arts styles to include: Boxing, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Taekwondo, Hapkido, Jeet Kune Do, Wing Chun, Wrestling, Wushu, Tai Chi, Karate, and Hung Ga. He holds a 6th Degree Black Belt in Taekwondo (6th Dan), black belt in Judo, Purple belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Gold Medals in Wushu Competitions. Jimmy Wu is also an experienced Pianist, able to play even the most challenging of pieces. He does enjoy playing more modern forms of music rather than classical compositions from Franz Schubert, Frederic Chopin, Wolfgang Beethoven or pieces of similar quality. His martial arts training has enabled him to acquire a refined skill in several martial arts weapons including the Katana, Kamas, Bō Staff, Nunchakus and the tonfa.[/hider] [hider=Abilities][b][color=f26522]Powers/Abilities:[/color][/b] [list]* Teleportation - Jimmy can teleport, or transfer matter, including themselves or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them or consuming an unnecessary amount of time by using quantum superposition by replacing and restocking energy in a spatial behavior. Jimmy can teleport to any place that he can currently see or to any place he has ever been to. Viewing a photograph of a location on the planet he has been to will help him move to that location if it has been a long time since he has teleported there. Jimmy has learned to u se this teleportation ability to create Flash Step, which is the ability to use small bursts of speed combined with his teleportation ability to move to random places rapidly in the same area or stretched out over a distance to give the appearance of flying. * Summoning - Jimmy can transport a person, creature, or object of choice by means of teleportation. This ability creates an immediate connection between the summoned and summoner. Jimmy is fatigued every time he uses this particular ability. After summoning six people or objects, he is completely exhausted and must rest or risk dropping into unconsciousness. * Dynamic Camouflage - Jimmy has the ability to alter his appearance in order to blend in with the coloration and form of his background to avoid optical perception. He can affect his attire by means of "static camouflage." He cannot alter the heat his body emits and would be detected by anyone with the ability to see heat signatures as in thermal based night vision devices.[/list][/hider] [hider=Equipment][b][color=f26522]Equipment:[/color][/b] When employed by S.H.I.E.L.D., Jimmy Wu will dress in a loose fitting Karate Gi or Shinobi Shōzoku complete with hood. He may carry either a single Katana, pair of Kamas, Bō Staff, Nunchakus and/or tonfa depending on his mission. Photo album containing several photographs of various locations around the world, including the ones listed below. An Ancient Chinese Relic he discovered in the mountains near Hong Kong, China.[/hider] [hider=Locations][b][color=f26522]Cities Jimmy has visited[/color][/b] [list]* Guangzhou, China * Beijing, China * Shanghai, China * Hong Kong, China * Qingdao, China * Tokyo, Japan * Kyoto, Japan * Fukuoka, Japan * Sydney, Australia * Melbourne, Australia * Boston, MA (USA) * Washington, DC (USA) * Philadelphia, PA (USA) * New York, NY (USA) * Los Angeles, CA (USA) * Chicago, IL (USA) * Providence, RI (USA) * Hartford, CT (USA) * Dallas, TX (USA) * Kansas City, MO (USA) * Miami, FL (USA) * London, England (UK) * Edinburough, Scotland (UK) * Manchester, England (UK) * Paris, France * Frankfurt, Germany * Munich, Germany * Lisbon, Portugal * Madrid, Spain * Rome, Italy * Cairo, Egypt * Freeport, South Africa * Dubai, UAE * Havana, Cuba * Moscow, Russia * Caracas, Venezuela * Rio De Janeiro, Brazil * Tehran, Iran[/list][/hider][/hider]