[center][url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kSxr0OZePbo][u][color=CF94AF][h3]A relaxing theme song for the priestess of the year, Lyra[/h3][/color][/u][/url][/center] [color=silver]"Bless me father, for I have sinned." "Bless me father, for I have sinned." "Bless me father, for I have sinned."[/color] Lyra awoke to the sound of the birds chirping and those words circling around her mind. They ran in circles, trying to remind her of what her dream was about. And failing. All she knew was that it was The same dream as the night before, and before, and before. Lyra sighed, sitting up at the table. How long had she been asleep? She remembered watching the clock turn to 5 am and it was 7:45 so she must have had about 2 hours of rest. Taking a stand, she went over to the restroom and splashed a cup of water on her face before smacking both of her checks. [color=CF94AF]"Time to wake up and be lively."[/color] She muttered under her breath, somewhat attempting to sound more enthusiastic but failing horrendously. What would she do that day? Her mind was still trying to piece together the days plans but she finally got it together. Confessions, feed the poor, pick up some flowers and seeds, pray. Another boring day for a bland girl. [color=CF94AF]"Screw this."[/color] She said quietly, walking out of her room already in her alb and everything. Lyra was never that much of a canditate for the priestess of the year award but at least she did what was expected of her. Once she went down the stairs, Lyra began to prepare a meal for the small amount of kids that stayed in the church. Kids that were just like how she used to be. Except, they weren't going to be tied to this place and instead they were to be adopted by someone that would make sure they got to choose their own path. It may not be a bad thing, but being born a child of a priest... Limited your view of the vast world. [color=CF94AF]"Good morning."[/color] She said sweetly, placing a kind smile of her face as they began to fill the table. If only they stayed all little and adorable forever instead of turning into tax paying obnoxious adults. She placed their breakfast in front of them and they are it happily, a few of them being choosy about what they would eat and what they would drop into the trash can "secretly". Were vegetables really that bad? Lyra chatted them up some before she said goodbye and walked out of the dining room. Flower shop. I guess I'll go to the flower shop. The flowers there were always so beautiful and a few times they'd have rare ones that she had never seen before. Besides, she wanted to get some seeds for her garden. After that, it was time for confessions. She would never [i]ever[/i] understand them. Sometimes it just made her cringe when they confessed to some terrible things. [b]Don't do it in the first place.[/b] Is what she would like to say to them. But they're asking for her oh so kind forgiveness. If they thought for maybe two seconds before doing their sin, they wouldn't have to go confess to in the first place. Lyra finally stopped thinking about that. After all, she was the priestess and the daughter of the man that people thought of as a saint. Which meant they expected her to be a sweet little angel as well~ [color=CF94AF]"Fuck that."[/color] She muttered under her breath. Yep, There goes that priestess of the year award. She'd have to pray for that later. Lyra shook her head of those sinful thoughts and went on her way to the flower shop. At least there she would be at peace. Probably.