[center][color=ffe494][h1]Meet Mimi[/h1][/color] [color=#FF9966]◉[/color][color=#FF9D68]◉[/color][color=#FFA16B]◉[/color][color=#FFA66E]◉[/color][color=#FFAA71]◉[/color][color=#FFAE74]◉[/color][color=#FFB376]◉[/color][color=#FFB779]◉[/color][color=#FFBB7C]◉[/color][color=#FFC07F]◉[/color][color=#FFC482]◉[/color][color=#FFC885]◉[/color][color=#FFCD87]◉[/color][color=#FFD18A]◉[/color][color=#FFD58D]◉[/color][color=#FFDA90]◉[/color][color=#FFDE93]◉[/color][color=#FFE295]◉[/color][color=#F8DC93]◉[/color][color=#F2D690]◉[/color][color=#ECD08D]◉[/color][color=#E6CA8A]◉[/color][color=#E0C487]◉[/color][color=#D9BE85]◉[/color][color=#D3B882]◉[/color][color=#CDB27F]◉[/color][color=#C7AC7C]◉[/color][color=#C1A679]◉[/color][color=#BBA076]◉[/color][color=#B49A74]◉[/color][color=#AE9471]◉[/color][color=#A88E6E]◉[/color][color=#A2886B]◉[/color][color=#9C8268]◉[/color][/center] [color=ffe494][i]"Hello ladies!"[/i][/color] From a chicken's perspective a large and terrifying creature just ducked it's head down into the door way of their home and let out a boisterous screech. From Mimi's perspective she was just squatted down in front of one of the three coops she tended every morning for eggs to sell in a small stand she had created herself outside the perimeters of her parent's farm. It wasn't much more than a lemonade stand that the word lemonade was crossed off from and replaced with eggs. But for the young entrepreneur it was a budding business. Mimi was at the age where she should probably be more adult and have a lot of responsibilities, but was still too young to have any respect in anything that she dreamed of doing or anything that she accomplished. Starting her descent into the chicken coop with a basket in hand she began [i]fondling[/i] her chickens as she dug around underneath them and pulled out the eggs they hatched. Legend was told that some chickens could lay golden eggs, but it definitely hadn't been anything the girl had seen for herself. [color=ffe494][i]"Yuck."[/i][/color] Mimi scowled, her face made into one of disgust. It might have been a bit ironic that the girl who's entire ancestors farmed chickens for a living had a distaste for eggs, but as her father would say- it was more likely than not, a sign of bad luck. Gathering up what appeared to be the most of them, she then placed the basket on the roof of the coop. Wiping off the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand, she adjusted the large straw hat on her head. It was a dumb hat for the most part, but it did it's job and kept the girl cool in the spring and summer. A nice breeze picked up, and hit her square in the nose with the sweet smell of flowers and the earth growing around her. It was nice to be outside. Continuing on with her tasks, she took handfuls of bird feed from a container she had within the pens as she spread it around the yard. Making a clicking noise with her mouth she called the birds out from their homes as they began to flock around her. [color=ffe494][i]"Breakfast time for y'all"[/i][/color] she claimed, before grabbing the basket off the roof and climbing carefully over the gate to where her babies roamed. Walking not but five minutes from there, she began placing her eggs in small cartons of four and six to sell at her stand. She continued this process as she waited to see if any customers would come her way.