Nate lowered himself delicately into a chair that looked like it had seen better days. A chair that looked like it had literally fallen off the back of a truck. A chair that looked like it was probably older than everyone in the room combined. He wondered where Eli had found it and, more importantly, why he was so fascinated by it. Maybe it was the concussion or the lack of sleep or a mixture of both. He tried not to think about the things that may be living in it and forced himself to listen to Eli. Questions? Oh Nate had so many. It was why he was here after all. Why he had been through hell. Why he had put up with Jennifer and Vincent and...He had a vague memory of someone else being around but he couldn't remember who. It was why he had come all the way to Kentucky of all places. The only reason he would ever come to God damn Kentucky. "Oh I have plenty of questions." he informed Eli with a snort. "Why are we suddenly superheroes? How did it happens? Who the hell are these kids? Who's behind this and why and, this is the most important one...What's that smell?"