"Morningg~" Whiskey rubbed her eyes as she got up her bed, gazing upon the green trees of her backyard. The cold & dreadful winter have finally ended, her pet bird, Liv, eagerly chirping as she opened her birdcage wide. "Now winter's over, you can fly freely, Liv~" She cuddled Liv, letting it spread his wings, soaring for the skies. "Year 1 now huh...?" Whiskey's eyes narrowed towards the calendar a bit, its been 3 years since she left home & abandoned her mom for her ex, 2 years since she left her town for this village. "Time sure flies..." Changing from her pyjamas, she ate a slice of bread for her breakfast before heading out to her workplace- the library. Opening the Library door, she took out a shoujo manga from a bookshelf, sitting and her desk and reading it while waiting for any guests here. There wasn't much work to do in the morning, the books have been already shelved & arranged from the day before.