[H3]Character Sheet[/H3] [INDENT][B]Name:[/b] Hephaistos Akhenaton [B]Age:[/b] 205 [B]Legion:[/b]The Thousand Sons [B]Planet of Origin:[/b] Terra (Achaemedian Empire Citizen) [B]Physical Description:[/b][INDENT][/INDENT] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/6/69/Ahriman_%26_Bodyguard.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150209012203[/img] (The sorcerer being Hephaistos) [B]Skillset:[/b][INDENT]C[/INDENT] Telepathy, Standard Combat training with a focus on fencing, and skills in diplomacy and subterfuge. [B]History:[/b][INDENT][/INDENT] As one of the thousand survivors of the first generation of Astartes made for the XVth Legion, Hephaistos has lived to see his legion go through some of the toughest trials of any of the Emperor's beloved children. Having practiced both the art of warfare and his newfound powers on the surface of Terra and on some of the first worlds they encountered in The Great Crusade, he saw the ravages of the "Flesh-change" consume many of his brethren before they at last found their genetic father, Magnus, on the desolate and isolated world of Prospero. Their father, with his great powers over the psychic energies of the Warp far surpassing even the greatest sorcerers remaining in his legion, managed to stop the mutations ravaging his sons, saving Hephaistos and his remaining brothers from a horrific fate, and enabling them to continue to use their great and terrible powers in the service of the Emperor of Mankind. Dozens of worlds were brought to Imperial Compliance by guile or warp-fire through the legion's work, and not even the ire of several of the other legions was enough to stain the pride of Hephaistos or the other Thousand Sons. Though the Council of Nikaea eventually banned them from using their powers as a legion, they would continue to work to expand their knowledge of the sorcerous arts in secret over the centuries. When Magnus foresaw the great betrayal of his brother Horus, he did everything in his power to try and avert it, and the legion's greatest sorcerers worked beside him to try and defy fate again, but to no avail. He could not save Horus, his father the Emperor could not believe his warning, and he saw the doom of his legion looming. In despair and one last attempt to avert the will of the dark deity that had sought to take him and his legion, Magnus did not prepare any defences nor give any warning to his world of Prospero of the Imperial forces coming to destroy them, he dispersed the Thousand Sons' fleet far away from Prospero, for those elements to look on in horror as the massive fleet with the Space Wolves at their head coming to bombard the planet. Hephaistos was one of those aboard the vessels, the lone sorcerer aboard a small frigate far away from the terrible scene at Prospero acting as its messenger given his status as a member of the Athanaean Cult, he watched as his planet burned and the Imperial forces touched down to assault Tizca, to at last hear one last psychic transmission from his father, presumably sent to any other sorcerer aboard vessels within range of Magnus's mighty power. The message was simple: escape and warn the Imperium, Isstvan III and the disasters to be inflicted there must not be the death of the Imperium, and those that remain will need aid if they're to avenge their fallen brothers and comrades. Do whatever it takes to earn their trust, and do not let the sacrifice of the Thousand Sons be in vain. So, Hephaistos fled, along with any other ship that managed to get away that had a Thousand Sons sorcerer with the ability to hear the same message. The Warp was turbulent however, and it took a long time before they could exit out, and when they did, the crew of the ship found themselves far off their mark, but in Imperial territory at least. The ship was swiftly seized by local imperial forces with the assistance of a detatchment of Imperial Fists after they found where the vessel had come from, where they found the sorcerer Hephaistos waiting for them, his weapons removed and armour put aside in expectation of their coming. He was arrested and interrogated, where he told them what had happened and what his last orders had been. Though disbelieving at first, news of the devastation at Isstvan III travelled fast as numerous survivors of the incident from various legions made their escapes via various means, and Hephaistos and by extension the Thousand Sons' actions were verified (though obviously too late for the Thousand Sons, but not too late for Hephaistos). Moved out from his containment cell, Hephaistos was set free to do as he wished, though they urged him to continue to abide by the proclamations of the Council of Nikaea, and gave him advice that perhaps one of the legions nearest Isstvan could use his assistance. In his travels towards the center of this conflict, he encountered the Rogue Trader Blaxius Kyros, and leaving the frigate and the crew that had loyally followed him to do as they wished, he packed up his gear and came along with him upon hearing of a proposition which the trader had for any "rogue" Astartes. [B]Psychological Profile:[/B] A cunning and subtle mind to compliment his powers, Hephaistos has learned to be cautious and careful around others, weighing his responses before giving them, and not to give himself away when secrecy and deception could be just as effective tools as honesty. Though his psyche sustained heavy damage upon seeing his legion basically be ruined twice over his lifetime, and now left fatherless, homeless, and legionless, he keeps to the duty charged to him by both Primarch and Emperor as best he can. [B]Equipment:[/B][LIST][*] [*]Bolt pistol and Energy Sword [*]Mark IV Maximus Power Armour [*]Psyker Staff [/LIST][/INDENT]