June heard the birds before her alarm, pulling a grumble from the tired young woman. She had been up late last night carving away at a statue to display and ideally sell. It was something small, a nice little thing to display at your front door of a sitting dog. But she couldn't survive on money from big projects and repairs alone. Besides the art to it all was her favorite part of carpentry. Adding her own little artistic details to everything was part of why people came to her for buildings and furniture and every other various little thing they needed involving her set of skills. Still, even if she was up late time waited for no man. Or woman. She yawned and stretched out her long limbs, feet practically dangling off the bed already, before shoving the blankets off and forcing herself to her feet. She peered outside at the quiet town, living right smack dab in the middle of it all. She chose this plot of land so she was nearby in case there was need for her to handle something quickly. Besides she had enough space, she bought the house and expanded on it on her own as needed. The workshop and storefront was downstairs. There was enough space for piles of wood outside and the upstairs consisted of her living space. Two bedrooms, a small bathroom, and a combination living room/kitchen. Not much but it worked for her and her sister, Bethany. [color=palegreen]"June! Get in here it's time to eat!"[/color] Speak of the devil. Bethany must've heard her get up. She smiled a bit and hollered back, [color=steelblue]"Be there in a second!"[/color] Her little sister Bethany had always been more of a early bird type. And she was usually out like a light by the time 10 rolled around. Unlike June who has hit or miss whether she could sleep that night. Usually because some creative bug manages to bite her and keeping her awake until she worked on it. Trailing into the bathroom she washed her face quickly before brushing her hair to smooth it out from it's somewhat wild bedhead. She then bounded out to the kitchen at the small corner table where breakfast was waiting, two fried eggs, a piece of toast cut diagonally, and a nice big glass of orange juice. [color=steelblue]"You're the best, Bethy."[/color] June said immediately before digging into the meal, starting off by cutting a piece of egg off. The blonde smiled bright as she sat down, [color=palegreen]"Of course I am."[/color] Bethany chirped with a cheeky smile over at June before working on her own breakfast, [color=palegreen]"I have to pay my way somehow since I'm not making anything of my own yet for the store."[/color] The two fell into conversation easily, quipping back and forth at times and even playfully bickering before June glanced at the clock. It was about 8 so she started making her way downstairs to open up the shop. They alternated days and took weekends off, leaving them enough time to do...well whatever they wanted. If a big job came up they closed a little early to get started so it was done ASAP. It was a system that worked and let Bethany drag June out in the late afternoon to start socializing. Something Bethany demanded needed to happen since she moved in. June wasn't so sure. Getting too involved with people had already gotten her in trouble once. She wasn't too eager to do it again. So while June manned the store, Bethany headed out to town to spend her free time doing what she did best. Spending time with people and making friends.