[hider=Lyllia] [hider=Appearances] [hider=Natural][img]http://orig03.deviantart.net/4e94/f/2009/310/b/5/naga11_by_banyex.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Human][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/49/21/c7/4921c703c866a959bb2773a57297862f.jpg[/img][/hider][/hider] [color=0072bc]Name: [/color]Lyllian Vael [color=0072bc]Age: [/color]16 [color=0072bc]Gender:[/color] Female [color=0072bc]Race:[/color] Echidna [color=0072bc]Race Information:[/color] [list][*] As a sub-species of Lamia, Echidna also have the lower body of a snake and the upper body of a woman [*] Exclusively female [*] The Echidna breeds only with those that can defeat it; desiring to provide even stronger monsters of the next generation [*] Carnivorous [*] Only the first daughter born of an Echidna is an Echidna. Echidna can birth all types of creatures, male and female [*] Weak to cold temperatures; can go into hibernation if exposed for long periods of time [/list] [color=0072bc]Personality: [/color]Lyl isn't exactly the most outgoing person, but she's happy enough spending time with those she cares about, or just watching people talk to each other. On more than one occasion she has been labeled as 'creepy' for the way she enjoys just watching and listening instead of participating. Unlike others, she's never immediately suspicious, and it takes a lot to earn her wary. She's not unfriendly, and does her best to help where she can, even though she can't often do too much. Protective and mild-mannered, her relatives have commented that she will make a good wife and mother for a strong man one day. It's a good thing she likes kids. [/hider]