[@Sikako J] [i]The terminal had just come back into business too, but that lasted about as long as expected. The workers hadn't been bad men, they merely did their jobs, got paid, and got drunk. They weren't out to hurt anybody, but then, such is the way of the world. Anything can and will happen to a flesh and blood organism, no one is exempt. Fortunately the bodies of the workers weren't left out in plain sight to flood the dreams of onlookers with such nasty thoughts as what the human body could be subjected to, least of all before merciful death. The area appeared empty. It would still be another eight hours before the higher ups realized something was amiss, that every employee had simply vanished. Eight hours of raw silence, save for the faint buzz of the dock lights and a soft lapping of waves. Something had hitched a ride from overseas, and despite how the thought that these men had families trickled like warm oil through its mind as it personally met them one by one whilst they tried hiding amongst the maze of steely intermodal containers, pity was not evoked. What did mean something to it was that next evening it would graciously introduce itself to their homesteads. Greet each spouse with a smile, take dinner with the freshly christened bastards frozen in their soiled nighties. It shifted noiselessly within the confines of its hidey-hole, and slept.[/i]