[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/18oNTHD.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/96eCK9w.png[/img][/center][hr][hr]She had to admit to herself she was more than a little nervous as Katherine got dressed for the morning meeting. The first official class was about to start in a school with new students. This would be her first social gathering since the trip back home... and what happened with her mother. Kat had gotten up roughly an hour ago so she could get a morning run in. It was just one lap around the entire school grounds, but it was enough to get her blood pumping. After all, the institute's campus was [b]huge[/b]. She had noticed the Asian boy, Bao, doing laps around the school's track and kicking around a soccer ball and thought briefly of trying to join him on the field, yet she decided against it. Besides, they would have time to get to know one another soon enough. At that moment though Katherine was more focused in getting back into her old routine. And with the professor's help she had recently began doing just that. After her run Katherine hit the shower, though the water pressure was a bit low most likely do to others bathing at the same time. Since she didn't know what the first class would entail, Kat decided to dress comfortably, casually and ready for a possible workout. So, this morning's [url=http://coolspotters.com/files/photos/715403/guess-lily-henley-tank-gallery.png?1357435084]outfit[/url] consisted of: a brick red [i]Guess Lily Henley[/i] tank top, a cute pair of denim roll up shorts, little white ankle socks and a pair of [url=http://www.theluxer.com/US/p/HXW2960V142CRZ0H04?utm_campaign=feed&utm_source=polyvore&utm_medium=partner&utm_content=products][i]Hogan Rebel[/i] running shoes[/url]. Little gold earrings and a pink scrunchie to tie put her long, brunette hair back in a ponytail completed her outfit. For moment she wondered if she was showing too much skin. But, only for a moment. With an energy bar in one hand and a bottle of water in the other, Katherine made her way downstairs. The labyrinth that was a the basement was bright, metallic more than a little confusing for the eighteen year old to navigate. But, Kat managed to find her way to the designated room. The large steel door was heavy but far from impossible to open. Entering the room Kat was all smiles and beaming happiness. Of course, it was all fake as she was quite apprehensive to join the others. But, then again, as the queen bee of her old school Katherine was well trained at hiding her true feelings behind a bright smile. "[color=C71585]Good morning, Professor[/color]," she beamed as she walked by him. Making her way around the glass coffee table Kat found a seat on the sofa between Sofia and Bao to whom she greeted both with a silent 'hi' before sitting. Crossing her smooth, bare legs she took a small bite of her energy bar while waiting for class to begin.