The drive to the cabin was long, a bit annoying, even when the truck tried to quit on Eric (It didn't, but it came really close). The ride did suck, driving alone with the radio going was one thing. But being in a truck full of people with so much on their minds, that fucking sucked. Like... Could everyone just shut up for ten minutes?! Is that too much to ask?! Not like he could just be open about his thought, he had no idea who to trust and who to not trust. Then again, he had all the guns here. Once at the cabin the place seemed like it was in need or a bit of repair work. Could be a potential job for the future, but for now he just needed to focus on survival. Which he probably went a little overboard on the gun collection. But better safe then sorry, and all these ones were legal anyways, no harm in having them. Getting out of the truck Eric grabbed the bags full of guns and ammo, being not as strong as someone his size should be, it was a bit heavier then Eric was really able to carry with out losing balance a couple of times. Not falling, but still about as annoying. What was it, 6 rifles and shotguns, plus one combat like shotgun without a stock, and the .44 mag Eric took of of Danny's dead friend. Eric still wasn't pleased about how that went down. Entering the cabin, Eric decided to give everyone a little greeting. "[color=007236]Welcome to the middle of nowhere, where if one of us dies, no one else will know but the rest of us here. Meaning please don't die.[/color]". Eric could hear the scared tones of people after his speaking, chances are what he said wasn't bad, unless people were already worried about dying. Inside the cabin was, interesting. The place was in disarray a bit, or was just left alone too long. Tomato To-ma-toe. Deciding the guns and all the ammo was too heavy, Eric placed the bags behind the couch, with the exception of the .44 mag which he kept braced to him with his belt still. Overall though, it was still a pain to think, so Eric did the one thing that seemed reasonable to him, and went over to Eli. Eli was talking to his new, or old friend, Eric couldn't tell, and all Eric got from their thoughts were [i]Fear, dead people, not dead people, phone calls, broken radios? girls, not sure what context, and....[/i] the last thought caught Eric off guard, super powers? Eric almost asked, then this girl, Jenifer from what he could gather, started to interrupt about food. "[color=007236]If you're really that Hungry there's a 30-06 rifle in that bag behind the couch, even some bullets. The boar out here are year round hunting. With that, they make great Bacon.[/color]" Eric said with a smile. Though chances are his joke was not as funny as he thought. "[color=007236]....have some peanuts.[/color]" And Eric pulled a small packet of Peanuts out from his pocket, tossing them to her. "[color=007236]I have no idea what food is like here, so if you want something else, that rifle may be a reasonable option. Or we can hope Eli actually left food here?[/color]" There was mixed reactions in the rooms, he didn't need to see people's faces to know that. He could hear their tones in his head. Part of him wished he brought an MP3 player to drown out their thoughts. His were fine, but theirs were annoying. Mostly Eli's friend, who Eric still didn't know his name. But all Eric could pull out was gibberish, no tones really, just gibberish. Eric wonder's what was going on inside that poor man's head to make that kinda noise....