Would anyone be interested in participating in a RP that is based on a group of people who travel back into medieval times and wind up getting stuck there? [u][b]Things to address: [/b][/u] [i]1. Who are these group of people?[/i] They could be a group of college students who decide to do a little experiment to prove that time travel is real. Or maybe they are just doing it for fun. Hmm, they don't even have to be college aged either if we didn't want them to, they can just be a group of real life adults who discover the secret to time travel and just want a...."little vacation". If and when more interest is gathered, we can discuss this further. [i]2. Why is said group of people time traveling to medieval times? [/i] This was sort of covered with number one, but again, what is the purpose of this group of people deciding to travel back in time to medieval times? The possibilities are endless with this. [i]3. Stuck there...how long will the group be stuck in time? [/i] Again, I am leaving this up for discussion. The RP could go several ways, like for example, the group could be led to believe that they are going to be stuck there forever, so they decide to make the best of it and adjust. Or, maybe one day, someone has an 'aha' moment and they fix the time machine, and they all can either go back, or stay, because who's to say that maybe a few of them found a better life in the medieval times? [i]4. Character creation...[/i] I think that the RP would be more enjoyable if we could play as any type of character, whether it'd be someone from the medieval times or someone from the modern times (the group). Either way, I think a two character limit would suffice, right? Hmm, so, is anyone interested? Please feel free to leave your input below too c: