She debated telling him who she really was. He deserved to know before... She stood and turned away from the crowd that had formed below. Shadowbird knelt and set him down on the rooftop. After which she pulled off her mask, looking into his eyes with tears in her own. His hair was turning back to black and she knew for sure it was her crush Austin, dying in her arms.[color=black] "I've always had feelings for you... I should've known it was you all along... should've known... I'm so sorry."[/color] [color=black]"Close your eyes."[/color] Ari whispered, she took his hands in hers and closed her eyes. [color=black]"Imagine you're some where else..."[/color] Her voice trailed off before she spoke again. [color=black]"I'm sorry. It's just me, Ari. I hope you're not disappointed." [/color]Ari leaned over and did what she had always wanted to do, she kissed him and kissed him for at least a minute. "I'll be strong for you. I promise. I won't stop fighting, ever." She bit her lip and held back tears. [color=black]"I'm so sorry. So sorry..."[/color]