His breath hitched. How had he missed that? He wasn't consciously flirting. "And she looks good in boots and a cape," he remembered himself saying. He winced. Okay, yes, he flirted. A lot. Shadowbird knew how he felt, and she didn't adress it. But, to be fair, he didn't adress it either. Hearing it from Ari deflated him. It certainly felt like he had walked up to Shadowbird and told her his feelings, and she had rejected him. But what did this girl know? Especially considering the fact that she was a casual fan. Maybe she wasn't just a casual fan. How would one know, or claim to know Shadowbird and Galaxy's relationship by watching the superficial media coverage? One would have to watch the online footage or something, and pay close attention. "You seem to know a lot about them for not being 'that big of a fan'." he watched her doodle lines on the paper. "Hmm?" The lines formed into a familiar shape. Orion, the constellation. Next to the word 'love'. Perhaps it was an accident, Orion thought. Not many people could draw specific constellations. He only knew what it looked like because it was his namesake. But he stared at the specific lines, drawn at the specific angles, and knew it was far from an accident. "You like astronomy?" he asked her, moving the paper towards him.