And here's my second character. Erm, it's alright if I made a second universe, right? [hider= The Worst Place in the World] [h1][The Worst Place in the World (Or Whippy for short)][/h1] [h3]Genres:[/h3] [indent]A Slasher film franchise that slowly turned into a Heroic Bloodshed film franchise. Basically think Friday the 13th if John Woo directed it[/indent] A whole lot of crap goes on in Whippy. Kids are murdered left and right in the woods, serial killers live amongst unsuspecting neighbors, and with no end to the bloodshed in sight. It doesn’t help that the population of Whippy have an IQ so shockingly low, the Darwin Awards look like the Nobel Peace Prize. The worst part is that this is quite literally a game for the serial killers. Once every week, a random killer is “activated” by an unknown force and is given a gimmick. These usually range from something as simple as “murder these teenagers during prom night” or something as bizarre as “you must be able to kill them in their dreams”, and usually being given super powers to do so. Anyone can become a killer. It doesn’t matter who it is or how sane they are. This makes the world of Whippy that much worse. With all this bloodshed going on, it’s a miracle that the birthrate is as high as the post 1940’s. [h1]Species[/h1] No exact species to mention. The only two, however, are Killers and an unknown force called “The Director” that gives the Killers their powers. Killers are simply humans who have been ‘blessed’ by the Director. This blessing is more akin to a curse, as they are bound to take another life. The telltale sign of a Killer is that their overall presence can be overwhelmingly uneasy to a normal person. This is called the “Killing Intent”. Another telltale sign of a Killer is their immunity to mundane injuries. While this means they can take a shot to the head without flinching or surviving a six foot fall and walking away with a light bruise, this doesn’t mean they can get up and walk away from being decapitated or being chainsawed in two. Also, they are cured of their "too dumb to live" IQ. They might also have a bizarre power, if the Director so feels like it. This includes: hopping into dreams and possessing dolls. The Killer is also assigned to kill people in a certain manner. Once they satisfy the Director, their Killer powers become dormant and they once again become human… until the Director sees fit to activate them once again. Though most Killers often die before they could be granted that. [h1]Other[/h1] Some say that the Director works for an even higher power. [/hider] [hider= Itchy Joe] [h1][b]Itchy Joe[/b] | Age: 42 | Gender:Male [/h1] [h3][b]Home Universe[/b][/h3] [indent]Whippy[/indent] [h3][b]Species[/b][/h3] [indent]Killer (Modified Human).[/indent] [h3][b]Appearance[/b][/h3] [indent]Old, grizzled, a scar across his left cheek, a stubble, sunken eyes that imply he hadn’t slept, Itchy Joe has all the looks of an old, beaten cop. His blue police uniform is ripped, but he hides it underneath his Kevlar vest.[/indent] [h3][b]Personality[/b][/h3] [indent]Itchy Joe has a strong sense of justice, a sense so strong, it overpowers his ingrained Killing Intent. He also has a soft heart for children and teenagers, often choosing to put his life on the line to protect them. He also has a good sense of humor, keeping his nickname “Itchy Joe” as a loving tribute to his precinct.[/indent] [h3][b]Backstory[/b][/h3] [indent]Itchy Joe was just the nickname they gave Jonathan Wooster after an itching powder prank went horribly wrong. He was assigned to the 34th Precinct and was informed of a serial killer that had busted out of prison. He was assigned to the case of finding and busting him. One night, he was at a high school during prom. There, he saw a guy with a shaven beard and a hat covering his hair. Despite being on the lookout for a killer with his exact facial structure [i]and[/i] how he has little to no connection with the high school he was visiting, the cops simply let the person in. Joe, however, didn’t buy it one bit and he went gunning for the killer. Literally. As soon as the killer was about to knife a girl in plain sight, Joe shot him to death with his gun. Despite numerous factors, such as confirming that the stranger was indeed the killer they were supposed to nab, the fact that Joe stopped him from taking another life, and even after it was revealed that he was a Killer (they made sure he was dead by running him down by a school bus shortly afterwards), Joe was arrested and was immediately fired from being a cop. The night after the incident, Joe was approached by a man who face palmed at Joe’s presence. “You completely missed the point…” He said. He introduced himself as simply “The Director” and told Joe that he stopped a monumental event from happening yesterday and how he has upset ‘the higher ups’. He decides that Joe must take the Killer’s place and turned [i]him[/i] into a Killer, giving him cops as his target. However, despite the strong intent to kill, Joe shed that away in favor of justice and fired at the Director. The Director, however, didn’t flinch and merely chuckled, saying how this might be an interesting twist. He leaves, though not without granting Joe a cache of weapons. Joe’s life, however, was no longer without incident. The Director soon activated all the dormant Killers and assigned Joe as a target, all while creating new Killers to entertain him and his higher ups. From that day on, Joe enters a never ending combat with the Killers.[/indent] [h3][b]Abilities/Skills[/b][/h3] [indent]He’s good with guns. Like… Really good. His signature weapon is two pistols that, while it has infinite magazines, has no infinite ammo, thus he needs to reload them. However, he is able to perform Gun Katas, effectively kung fu with guns. As a Killer, he has an inner sense called Killing Intent. While it’s main effect is simply a warning sign to others, having it also gifts the power of seeing other’s Killing Intent and gauging them accordingly. He is also able to tank things that might kill normal humans, such as a huge fall or a shot to the head, but he can’t tank things like decapitations or other such gory deaths. One more thing to note. Joe is the smartest person in his universe even before being gifted intelligence by turning into a Killer. It's not really saying a lot considering how most people in his universe are idiots.[/indent] [h3][b]Weapons/Tools[/b][/h3] [indent]What tools does your character use?[/indent] [h3][b]Weaknesses/Limits[/b][/h3] [indent]Joe is still only human despite his Killer durability. He can easily die from things that would kill normal humans, like being decapitated or exploding. A good rule of thumb is that if it’s mundane, he can tank it. If the end result is excessively gory or scary, he’ll die from it. He also easy to spot by those who can identify or recognize one’s Killing Intent, such as other Killers or shonen heroes and it’s very easy to mistake the Killing Intent as his own rather than something he was granted.[/indent] [h3][b]Other[/b][/h3] [indent]Not sure.[/indent] [/hider]