[center][img]http://peterbaxterafrica.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/Page-Divider.png[/img] [b][u]POV:[/u] Shiara Isolt // Isoltos [sub]Dhadan Forest, County of Dunric[/sub][/b] [img]http://peterbaxterafrica.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/Page-Divider.png[/img][/center] They weren’t regrouping. They were [i]retreating[/i]. Shiara Isolt knew it wasn’t really her place to question orders given on the field by the commanding acolyte, but something about felt very strange for what little she knew of The Order. Perhaps this was some great subtle play to attack them when they were not expecting them to, but the tone set as the older larger man led her back through the forests she had been chasing Azarni through only moments prior. Perhaps it was her experience in the death pits calling out to her, but she wanted an answer or at least explanation for why they were going about it like they were. Their objective was to recruit, capture, or ultimately [i]kill[/i] the clairvoyant and instead they were letting her go? As they stepped over a fallen log, she felt the need to ask before they were gone from the Dhadan Forest. “Why are we letting them go?” Her companion stopped, grip tightening around the handle of his hammer, before a heavy sigh left him. “I thought you’d ask that.” Shiara raised a brow— he thought she’d ask that? “Lathilos?” “We let them go so they could be at their best strength when we fight them again. Our orders are to deal with the girl— not [i]when[/i] we have to deal with the girl. Simply, we are regaining our strength and going over our tactics since Marlowe beat us to the punch.” Her newfound “masters” did not seem like the people who were patient and understanding less of all honorable; a thought that made her feel nervous about what had just transpired. She knew going against her orders and charging the group of enemies now after her tactical window had passed would be difficult but something screamed inside her to obey the people [i]above[/i] Lathilos. “I don’t want to lie to—” Lathilos cut her off. “—It’s not a [i]lie[/i]. It’s the [b]truth[/b]. Tactically we should be rethinking our approach regardless, that I will tell you is a fact. Delios will not like it, but he has retreated far more than Marlowe has met the end of my hammer. He will understand once I make him understand. Trust me. This is the [i]right[/i] way to go about it.” She nodded, albeit reluctantly. [i]Dawn's name, what have I been dragged into?[/i]