Scouti's mouth was slightly ajar from the sight in front of her now. It was partially the grand size of the towers of this ruins, they reached upward to the sky like the hungry spires of the Krendsaw from her homeland. It was daunting. How did people live in such a place on top of each other. But those thoughts fluttered away as the utter number of possibilities ran through her head. She dared to hope...quickly she grabbed a vial of metal flakes suspended in distilled water and drained the contents. To most this would seem strange, but then Scouti was strange. She was an Allomancer, one of her heritage that gained special abilities by consuming metal. Currently there were only sixteen known allomantic metals, but with any luck she would find more on her journeys. The metal reserves hit her stomach, wrapping her in the all to familiar heat like a warm fire after a heavy supper. Picking the metal she wished to burn, she slow burned iron flakes. Instantly transparent blue lines began to just from the iron in her stomach to the myriad of other metal in the area that only she could see. Her heart began to swell as if a new playground had been opened just for her. Her frantic smile must have spooked the nearest local slum dweller as the cloaked figure gave her a wide berth. She paused to account for her appearance as well. She had no less than sixteen throwing knives visible on her person, glimmering in the bath of sunlight between the towers. Her dull red banded leather armor did also bear the Redwolds mercenary mark. They were not well known for their upstanding nature. A steel chain belt around her waist also appeared quite strange to most she assumed. Her hair was still an odd purple hue from the nircosil she had attempted to burn. That alloy was not to be trusted, the strange dreams and sickness was awful. Working on her tip form the last hot spring she had stayed, a new allomantic metal was supposed to be in the large tower in front of her. Taking in the full view once more she began her journey to the monstrosity.