As almost a singular, fluid motion the man stepped in before the woman to his left and cleared the edge of the ruined building. Dedicated to his movement and footing himself as he was, the sword he bore in both hands began its skyward momentum, carrying up before him from his lower right to soon at an angle across his hide and chain clad sizable figure; the edge of the steel's point clipping the wood of the structure's wall before it returned down, preparing another following swing to come in its wake. It was however just as his initial strike began, the air leaving his lungs in a controlled exhale, did his aggressive eyes note the small woman not more than a few feet away - body exposed to their slings and arrows - just out of reach and more so, out of her mind. Brannor was not afraid of battle, especially not this sort as it was a righteous calling that spoke to his heart, but either the halfling was very bold and very brave or truly crazed to throw herself out into the open as lightly defended as she was. [hider=Rolls] Rolled a [url=]18[/url] for greatsword attack versus close kobold. Rolled a [url=]10[/url] for slashing damage if attack is successful. [/hider] There was not time enough to question what it was she was doing as the greatsword settled itself again in the steel and leather bound fists of the hunter who then grit his fierce jaw and prepared his advance. In all truth however, the weapon's attack and the man's obvious intent to press forward and eliminate the invaders of Greenest certainly did not help what it was Parum [i]was[/i] trying to do. But there was little that could be done about that, if at all. Brannor was not willing to show the servants of this monster any relent or any remorse even if he had known. [@Hekazu][@Lucius Cypher][@VKAllen][@Ryonara]