Imagine a place where people live in harmony with each other, working for a common goal of expanding their understanding of the universe. A world where poverty, famine, and disease do not exist; one where the government works for the people, not itself. One where its military is for peacekeeping and exploring, not conquering and subjugating. This place exists in the Confederacy of Free Worlds, an organization of thousands of species and even more worlds working together peacefully. The year is 2784, and a bright and promising future awaits. Each of you are a new crew member aboard the Confederate Starship Enterprise, an Enterprise-Class Fleet Carrier and Exploration Vessel. You are the best and brightest the Confederate Space Academy has to offer, and have been offered a chance to serve aboard the fleet’s flagship. Your journey starts as you have just arrived on the ship, your graduation conducted only the days before and your assignments given the following morning. Your profession should parallel that of the crews of ships in Star Trek. Please inform me of your choice before posting. [hider=Rules] 1.) Contact me with a Character sheet before you join. I must accept it before you can post. Your character must have a full description and some level of backstory. 2.) When you post, please make it beneficial to the plot. The length of the post is unimportant, only quality matters. 3.) NPCs should be used only as needed. Consult with me or the creator of a NPC if you choose to use one that is not yours. 4.) If you want to introduce something plot-changing, please run it by me first. Small plot twists are fine without consultation 5.) I will actively work with players to keep the story fresh and exciting. I will also have a PC active in the plot. 6.) Have fun. Be adventurous. Explore. The universe awaits you. [/hider]