Imagine a world where people live in harmony with each other, working for a common goal of expanding their understanding of the universe. A world where poverty, famine, and disease do not exist; one where the government works for the people, not itself. One where its military is for peacekeeping and exploring, not conquering and subjugating. This world exists in the Confederacy of Free Worlds, an organization of thousands of species and even more worlds working together peacefully. The year is 2784, and a bright and promising future awaits. Each of you are a crew member aboard the Confederate Starship Enterprise, an Enterprise-Class Fleet Carrier and Exploration Vessel. You are the best and brightest the Confederate Space Academy has to offer, and have been offered a chance to serve aboard the fleet’s flagship. Your journey starts as you have just arrived on the ship, your graduation conducted only the day before and your assignments given. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Captain’s log, Stardate 2784.235. This being my first log as captain of the Enterprise, I feel I should have something grand and profound to say. But, no words come to mind other than ‘Why me?’ Yes, I accepted the promotion with gratitude and humility, as any officer should, but it is intimidating to know that I, James Langley, am the captain in charge of the largest ship in the fleet.” James Langley paced his cabin, trying to find the words to say that would best portray his thoughts. But, few other words came. He decided to finish with his views on the day’s upcoming events. “I have just completed my inspection tour of the ship, making sure the refit went as expected. The engineers at Starbase Antares have done a marvelous job at making this ship state of the art. Propulsion, shield, and weapon upgrades, along with a wholly new science lab that will allow a wider variety of studies as we carry out our deep-space missions. I feel that this ship will continue to be the pride and joy of the fleet. “Finally, I must say that I am anxious to meet the new crew. I admit I only scanned their profiles, but nonetheless I remain impressed. I look forward to meeting them personally and seeing if they hold up to their reputations.” James made a cutting motion with his hand, and the recording stopped and saved. He waved his hand again and a holographic display appeared in the center of the room, showing the Enterprise, Earth, and Luna. He spread his fingers apart, magnifying the Enterprise itself. He watched as three shuttles approached the ship’s fore end. ‘The new recruits,’ he thought. He waved his hand and the hologram disappeared. He stepped to the cabin door, and placed his hand on the panel next to it. The door unlocked and slid open. He walked the corridors, nodding to and shaking hands with the crew as he passed them. After a short turbolift ride he was on the executive hangar level, where the new officers would arrive. As he reached the secondary barrier the shuttles were passing through the first atmospheric barrier. They spun around one-hundred and eighty degrees and landed in unison. Their rear ramps lowered and the new crew stepped out. He waited for them to finish lining up before he stepped up to the makeshift podium placed in front of him. “Everyone, welcome aboard the Enterprise. I am your captain, James Langley. You can call me Captain, Mr. Langley, James, or whatever suits your purpose. Please, no nicknames.” His comment elicited a chuckle from everyone, and he watched the tension ease away. After a few moments he continued. “You may be asking yourself, ‘Why me? Why did I get chosen for this assignment above all other candidates?’ Frankly, you are the best and brightest the Academy has to offer. Graduating at the top of your class, showing good leadership skills, being curious and intuitive, and above all having a sense of exploration that most others don’t have. Don’t let that get to your head.” Again, more laughter. “You will be challenged, in someways beyond your your current abilities. You will know fear, anxiety, anticipation, pride, and amazement. That is what it takes to be an officer in the Star Navy. With that said, I am glad to have you all here. In forty-five minutes you will report to your specific departments. In the meantime, feel free to mingle and get to know each other. You will be spending a lot of time together.” James stepped down and watched as everyone broke rank and began to talk with each other. Nearly a dozen different races were present, representing civilizations all across the three galaxies that made up the Confederacy.