This has been on my mind for some time with regard to this community among many others out there, so this is not so much an isolated incident. While I should put forward I am not saying this in a hostile way, it is more of an observation I have made that continues to rub the fur the wrong way whenever I see it again. Madness, insanity and randomness are horrifically abused. There's a sizable, measurable amount of the population that seems to call themselves "insane" and "random" as an identifier and there's a fair amount of it among the Guild. But that's where I have the complaint, in that my complaint isn't some sort of political correctness crusade that they are offending people with real psychological disorders, more so that it is worn as a badge and excuse to do anything and everything because, "lolcrazy an random". It is this nebulous mantra that has some how developed an acceptable line of behavior and logic that varies from those that just use it as an excuse to those who abuse it as a right to say or do anything without needing a reason or having expectations. This irritates me for a myriad of reasons because I am on the exact opposite end of the spectrum; I live by a strong code that doesn't vary, doesn't change, doesn't make exception and doesn't relent - it isn't for the ninety-nine percent of other people out there and I openly acknowledge that. But I am on the Internet, am I not? Sounds more like a personal problem after all. It is, which is why I discredit that portion of my frustration with it - because our personalities do not mesh by nature - and focus more on the fact that it is [i]exceedingly[/i] overrepresented and used as a throw away means to eek by. It is not funny, fun, cute or non-invasive; in fact, [i]it is the exact opposite of those things[/i]. Some of us would like to hold a conversation that doesn't devolve into "madness" because "insert-reason-of-the-day-here" or have a discussion derailed because it is "too serious". I shouldn't have people attempting to guilt me out of a more mature, thought-provoking conversation just because everyone else wants to live it up. I am perfectly willing to admit I am bitter and jaded, I am not a reliable source by these virtues and others, but I cannot be the only one who experiences this as anything short of childishness. No, I am not proclaiming "no fun allowed" but more so that it [i]dominates[/i] interaction, has no standards, rules or expectations and is notoriously interrupting. It is [i]everywhere[/i] and worn like some badge of honor that grants immunity to criticism. The concentration just seems to be growing with time, even in communities that already had plenty of it. That ends this sabertooth's rant.