- Andromeda - Andro laughed at Rain's statement on the conditions in which they lived. she hadn't necessarily thought that they lived like wolves but she hadn't thought they would be that well off. when she mentioned the lone wolf dying off, Andro just nodded in agreement. Andro smiled widely again when she said she wouldn't bring it up, then chuckled a little when she mentioned cold being bad for everyone. [color=39b54a]"haha, yeah, that's true"[/color] she leaned forward slightly on the bar, looking at Rain. at the mention of her balance Andro laughed again [color=39b54a]"I'm sure you'll be great at it once you get your feet beneath you, so to speak"[/color] Andro ran a hand through the snakes under her hood, they sluggishly nipped at her hands. [color=39b54a]"we'll be on the bunny trail anyway, it's the easiest one, I'd never make you go down one of the hard ones" [/color] she was leaning on the bar and looking sideways at Rain when the ski lift jittered and she nearly tumbled forward but the bar caught across her lap, leaving her bent over it, staring down at the snow. she managed to grab her sunglasses before they tumbled away. she heard Rain speak as she pulled herself back up and slid the glasses back onto her face. [color=39b54a]"are you alright?"[/color] [color=39b54a]"I think the ski lift jammed"[/color] she shuddered slightly, the wind was faster up here and cold. she was shivering but was keeping her teeth from chattering for the time being. still she wrapped her arms around herself. [color=39b54a]"that's not a good sign"[/color] she tried to look up towards the top but the snow was making it too difficult.