[center][color=DEB887][h2]Yala Jarra-Binalku[/h2][/color] •[@LokiLeo789]•[@fluorescent]•[@Fubsy][@Bishop][/center] [hr] As they'd been talking, the people around them had slowly drifted away as they finished their business here, leaving their now less than discrete group standing where there were. Yala had stopped singing by this point and she felt a little out of breath. She had enough to let out a sigh though as Kwelek told his plan of keeping his discovery for a while. Of course he would. Why miss such a good opportunity to cause trouble for oneself? The disapproval was evident on her face, especially at the remark about the Elders. "That's not funny Kwen-" She started but cut off her own words as Kwelek abruptly darted into the cover of the nearby bushes. He did have a point though; any more time spent in such a large group by themselves and they were bound to draw attention. And while a few days was a bit too long to wait to hand in the object, perhaps it was better to give it to the Elders later, when it was more convenient and less likely to cause a disruption to the day's events. Her work with the hunters was finished and she had time before she had to attend to anything else so Yala decided she would accompany them to make sure that they [i]did[/i] hand it in eventually. Besides, she justified to herself, if they could figure out what the thing was, the Elders might not consider it an issue. Yala was fairly sure she had been on poor footing with them as of late, so it would be nice to avoid causing further offense. She looked around at the remaining three, unsure of what to say. For a lack of better people skills, she quickly settled on an awkward "Excuse me," before following after the two younger ones.