Long ago, Monsters roamed the lands, killing any human they encountered for either pleasure or food. Those were dark times, and the general populace feared those monsters... Until heroes started to arrive. All over the world, normal humans, using only their brilliant minds and great strength, managed to kill the monsters and drive them to extinction... Or so they thought... Now it's the year 2016 and everyone is looking for supernatural beings. Werewolves... Vampires... The Big Foot... Everyone is searching for them without even realizing that they are just around the corner, living close to them... Maybe even in the same neighborhood... On an unknown city, in an unknown country, there is a strange apartment building with a large fence surrounding it. No one has ever met or seen any of the residents and no one but them are allowed inside. Huge trucks have been seen pulling in to the extremely large garage but no one has ever seen what they were unloading. No one knows anything about that building... No one except the monsters living peacefully inside. Bright Times Apartments. That is the name of the building where monsters make their living, hidden from the eyes of the general populace. In this building everyone is a friendly monster. There are mermaids... vampires... and even a friendly gorgon, the building administrator. Many spells are in place to prevent their secret from coming out. Alarm spells warn when a human attempts to cross the fence and illusion spells show only a flowery garden for those looking inside. It is a safe haven for monsters who are only trying to live a happy and peaceful life, hidden from those pesky heroes that still hunt them to this day... [hr] [hider=CS Template] Name: Age (18-40): Gender: Role: (Resident or a job within the apartment complex) Appearance (descriptive or anime images only): 1. Monster Form: 2. Human Form: (If existing) Race: Abilities: Strengths/Weaknesses: Bio: Other: [/hider] [hider=Rules] Rules 1. Standard rules of Roleplaying apply. 2. Try to not to flame anyone. we are only here to have fun 3. The most important one ever. Have Fun. [/hider]