Rocky snarled viciously as he closed the gap and slammed into the beast's side with full force. It was a dangerous move, as some of the security team were still trying to get potshots in. Others seemed willing to stop after Rocky's collide, or at the very least, were willing to try and alter their aim a bit. His own tough hide scratched against the beasts and created a somewhat grating noise as he grabbed onto one of the spines along it's back with one hand, and reached beneath it's arm with another. Rocky's jaws snapped open and shut loudly as he began biting at its side while to trying to lift the creature up in an attempt to flip it onto it's back. His reasoning was a simple one: armored creatures such as this typically had a soft underbelly. If he could just flip it over then he could give the others a clean shot at it or even tear it open himself. He pressed the attack, muscles like wire cables barely visible as they rippled and bulged from the effort beneath his scales.