[quote=@Chinese Jotunn] This sounds like the thing someone says when they want to... ahem... date someone under the legal age limit... Not that I'm accusing anyone... of course. Or when a teenage girl wants to date a guy in his 40's. [/quote] Okay, let's not exxagerate. Sure those two examples that you've given are true and they happen sometimes but overall they're rarities. It happens sometimes for an adult to feel attraction for a teenager and viceversa but if this attraction ends up evolving into something more then that then it becomes the parents fault for not taking care of their child properly. Anyway, what I was saying is that people nowadays care too much about age difference. What really matters are the feelings. Me for example, i'm 29, but I would never feel attraction to a teenager. That is because I don't like teenagers. I don't know, it's something about them, the way they behave, the things they do, that just totally makes me wanna dislike this category of people. So irresponsible, careless and rebellious. Adolescence is a period in my life that I got out of a long time ago and I have no regrets. But anyway...i'm deviating from the subject. If I would ever, in the future, fall for someone that would turn out to be much older or much younger then myself, age would probably the last thing i'd care about. However I am a bachelor right now and I enjoy it to the fullest. I don't plan on making my life more difficult anytime soon.